Sentences with phrase «heat relief»

For heat relief pop in the microwave for around 40 seconds and your get heat for around 15 - 30 minutes.
Because of this, dogs pant to provide heat relief.
Cooling Center to Open for Seniors Seeking Relief Westchester County Health Department Issues Heat Advisory For Wednesday & Thursday As Temperatures Rise, Con Edison Reminds Customers To Be Cool About The Heat
And while passing clouds may offer temporary heat relief, they block only 20 percent of UV rays; the other 80 percent soaks right into your skin, even when theres no sun in sight.
If you are living in less extreme heat, a bandana will provide heat relief while dogs are active.
And the 300 or so meters the seeds ascended should buy the resulting trees a degree or two in heat relief.
POKE HOLES IN IT The Brooklyn model from Geox is custom - designed for heat relief.
In this case, it's shredded chicken tossed with a flavorful buffalo wing sauce, creamy blue cheese, chopped celery for a little crunch (and heat relief) as well as a drizzle of sour cream.
Cattle need these same streams for water, heat relief, and valuable streamside browse.
As air sinks it warms, and this also inhibits the formation of showers and thunderstorms that could offer some heat relief.
Maybe that is why you like to take quick breaks to visit New York and get some heat relief.
Hope you've gotten some heat relief by now!
HEAT RELIEF: Most pets find cool, shady spots to lie down, but some, especially animals that are overweight or can't tolerate heat, might benefit from cooling beds, mats or vests.
Staying hydrated is very important and the cold water will add some heat relief to that hydration.
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