Sentences with phrase «heat spike»

As you can see from the map above, much of this incredible heat spike is located in the extreme northern latitudes.
«We saw very few frost nights in the spring, few significant heat spikes and almost no high wind events.
Warm and even temperatures throughout the growing season, with little frost pressure in the spring and short - lived heat spikes in the summer months, resulted in early seed ripening, beautiful stem lignification and superb balance of flavor and acidity.
Although the growing season was relatively warm and extremely dry, we didn't experience any real heat spikes, which can be rough on Pinot.
Extreme heat spiked hospitalizations for asthma in Maryland throughout the year by at least 3 percent.
Constant exposure to Heat spikes Body temperatures making One more prone to Heat Stroke.
The study shows the recent heat spike «has no precedent as far back as we can go with any confidence, 11,000 years arguably,» said Pennsylvania State University professor Michael Mann, who wrote the original hockey stick study but wasn't part of this research.
A powerful pulse of heat that will reinforce the current weak, mid-ocean El Nino, lend energy to ridiculously warm Pacific Ocean sea surface states, and pave the way for a long - duration equatorial heat spike.
Subscribe to the Afternoon Brief Trending Story: North Coast Grape Growers Confront Muggy Weather, Worry About Fruit Rot After Heat Spike Having ramped up hard to get through a triple - digit heat spike over the weekend, North Coast grape growers are now navigating a new challenge from Mother Nature — muggy, humid weather conditions this -LSB-...]
However, unlike average years during my 28 years of farming in the Arroyo Seco, we never had any heat spikes throughout the growing season.
«A growing season without either heat spikes or cool stretches produced our earliest finish to harvest since 2001, and one of our shortest ever.
As scientist Deke Arndt and meteorologist Dan Satterfield explain in this edition of Extreme Weather 101, these heat spikes are likely to become more commonplace as greenhouse gases heat up the planet... Read More
I have also been sticking to light Cashmere Sweaters (extra 20 % off) slowly transitioning into fall, but yet it's still light enough to wear during the heat spikes.
This would also explain why the troposphere is not showing the heat spike everyone is looking for and why antarctica isn't showing warming to the degree of the north pole (another grotesque miss by the models).
A heat spike like this has never happened before, at least not in the last 11,300 years, said climatologist Shaun Marcott, who worked on a new study on global temperatures going back that far.
As scientist Deke Arndt and meteorologist Dan Satterfield explain in this edition of Extreme Weather 101, these heat spikes are likely to become more commonplace as greenhouse gases heat up the planet... Read More
All of that is completely great, except for the time last month that Nest had an outage during a heat wave and users couldn't remotely adjust temperatures any longer, which meant that if you had set a temperature in the morning for the kids or Fido or something and suddenly the heat spiked, there was no way you could change that if you weren't home.
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