Sentences with phrase «heavier dumbbells in each hand»

Another great way to directly train your grip is by performing walking lunges while holding a heavy dumbbell in each hand.

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Hold one of the heavy dumbbells at chest height with both hands, elbows bent and drawn in tight to your sides and chest up the entire time.
Take one relatively heavy kettlebell or dumbbell in each hand and keeping your back straight and shoulders back, walk by taking short, quick steps.
The best way for enhancing this type of grip is the farmer's walk — where you hold heavy objects (heavy dumbbells for example) in each hand and walk around with it.
Hold a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell (shown) in both hands and, keeping the torso upright, bend the knees into a squat.
However, many women report that using heavier weights such as 10 - 20 lb dumbbells or above changed their bodies in a way that 2 - 5 lb hand weights simply could not.
Hold a pair of light dumbbells in each hand (they don't need to be heavy!)
By having the weight on a barbell rather than dumbbells, the weight is less concentrated in the users hand, allowing for heavier weight.
While holding a heavy dumbbell in one hand in the top of a curl position, just squat down.
To make overhead pressing even more challenging for your core, instead of using a barbell use a heavy dumbbell in just one hand while standing and bend slightly to one side (bend away from the side holding the dumbbell) to help engage your oblique muscles more to help you lift the weight.
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