Sentences with phrase «heavily gerrymandered»

And heavily gerrymandered districts are more likely to be geographically spread out and of unusual shape.
Even Democratic legislators that are focused on government reform, such as Assemblymember Robert Carroll, newly elected from Brooklyn, and Manhattan Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh, have said they are concerned with the delegate selection process, which allows the representatives to be determined based on heavily gerrymandered Senate districts.
I say Cecilia's victory in a district so heavily gerrymandered * against * her has to count for a lot.
Three delegates would be elected from each of the state's 63 heavily gerrymandered Senate districts and 15 at large delegates would be elected from the state as a whole.
Further, of 204 elected delegates, 189 would be chosen from New York's 63 state Senate districts, three from each, which Democrats note are heavily gerrymandered in favor of Republican interests.

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Their control of the House has been strengthened by two factors: 1) Democrats» tendency to win with overwhelming margins in heavily Democratic urban areas, thus wasting votes; and 2) gerrymandering, which is the process of redrawing the boundaries of legislative districts to favour one's party.
The US is famous for being heavily influenced by gerrymandering, to the point where some of the districts look absolutely ridiculous to the plain eye.
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