Sentences with phrase «heavy chain type»

A phylogenetic analysis of myosin heavy chain type II sequences corroborates that Acoela and Nemertodermatida are basal bilaterians.

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Two types of immature B cells, namely fetal liver hybridomas and the leukemic cell line 70Z / 3, both of which have cytoplasmic mu chains but no light chains, were examined for DNA rearrangements of their light chain and heavy chain immunoglobulin genes.
As the name suggests, nanobodies are smaller antibodies.They are derived from an unusual type of IgG antibody called a heavy chain antibody (HCab), which are unique to camels, llamas, alpacas and other camelids.
Exploring the effect of barbell type, McCurdy et al. (2009) found that it was possible to lift a heavier 1RM load when using a barbell loaded with chains compared with a barbell loaded with weight plates (334 ± 59.7 vs. 225 ± 36.4 lb), while the load at the bottom position was reported to be similar between groups.
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