Sentences with phrase «heavy consumption»

I recommend doing the flush once every 2 months, or the next day after heavy consumption of alcohol.
There are serious consequences to changed life styles in an economy based in the short range on heavy consumption.
After a period of particularly heavy consumption at around twenty - five, a new symptom appears.
For example, scientists are still studying whether heavy consumption of soy may influence the development of some cancers, so you may want to beware of soy - based meal replacements.
Granted alcohol is not a food, but the dangers it poses on human health can not be ignored; specifically, the potentially hazardous inflammation responses induced by heavy consumption.
My body negatively reacts to heavy consumption of meat, as it did this weekend when I got pretty sick after eating a heavy meal.
Food demand normally surges during the Muslim holy month because of heavy consumption following the dawn - to - dusk fasting period.
Unemployment, lack of available work, lowered self - esteem, depression, boredom, and heavy consumption of alcohol accompanied unbelievable patterns of human destruction on government controlled reservations.
«The heavier the dependence on plant or vegetable foods, the more pronounced the seasonings; the heavier the consumption of animal foods, the less pronounced the seasonings.
Due to the heavy consumption of processed vegetable oils and grain - fed meat & dairy products most people have very high levels of omega 6.
Proud because I managed to not contract diabetes despite my heavy consumption of refined sugar and empty carbs.
The contribution of cask wine to heavy consumption of alcohol is profound.
Patients with a history of diet problems and substance abuse, both alone and combined with alcohol, should be screened for the heavy consumption of energy drinks;
Limit alcohol intake — Moderate or heavy consumption of alcohol is associated with high blood pressure, certain cancers and obesity.
Heavy consumption of caffeine and refined sugar overstresses your already troubled thyroid gland and can both directly and indirectly affect your thyroidal health negatively, so it's best to cut them out completely.
Sadly, these foods do not have the same dietary value that whole grains do, and heavy consumption of them can lead to dietary imbalances.
Lectins are deadliest for acne after months of heavy consumption, but can trigger immediate inflammation as well.
Atherosclerosis would appear to be caused by problems with the blood clotting mechanisms of the body and in particular most likely caused by stress, diabetes, and the heavy consumption of refined carbs and inactivity.
Eating a poor diet, drinking too much alcohol, gaining too much weight, and heavy consumption of red and processed meats are associated with a higher risk of some forms of cancer.
Heavy consumption, however, can allow bacteria to penetrate through the intestinal wall.
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