Sentences with phrase «heavy dogs require»

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The bed is calibrated to support large breed dogs because they require a lot more support for their joints and heavy sizes (you know those other beds that flatten out after only a short period, this one won't!).
Dog foods that are heavy in low - quality fillers often require additional supplementation to bring the food up to AAFCO nutritional requirements.
Professional dog grooming can be costly, but it's ideal for those with little time or whose pets require frequent cuts, styles or whose dogs are heavy shedders.
Incorporating a healthy, active lifestyle will keep your dog as fit as possible, reducing risks should they one day need to undergo a procedure requiring heavy sedation.
The breed's heavy ears require weekly cleaning, or more if the dog is outside a lot.
Be aware that the wire used comes in different gauges and quality; some dogs who try to escape crates require heavy duty wire.
Dog lovers interested in this breed should also keep in mind that chows undergo a very heavy shedding season that requires frequent brushing so to keep lose hair from landing just about anywhere.
Larger and more aggressive / energetic dog breeds require heavy - duty materials (we recommend 8 gauge welded wire mesh for such applications).
Heavier dogs will require more durable fabrics than lighter dogs.
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