Sentences with phrase «heavy seas»

Heavy sea ice acts as a barrier that prevents access to their feeding grounds.
So you have to keep a very sharp eye out for them, which isn't easy in heavy seas where the waves are as big as houses.
Rain and salt - heavy sea air can undermine product quality, extreme heat makes it uncomfortable for salespeople to remain inside the cart all day and extreme cold drives away customers.
Heavy sea ice (Alaskan peninsula this winter) = weather, not climate stupid.
Huge, lens - shaped reefs are sculptured by the constant pounding of heavy seas on the gently sloping point down to a depth of 90 ft. Below 20 ft, they are made up of a mixed collection of small living coral colonies and stacks of coral debris.
The beach is home to the hull of the ship, SS Dicky, which ran aground during heavy seas in 1893.
In a brief squall in the mid-Atlantic, with heavy seas washing across the deck, the 20 cadets on watch had to hook themselves to safety lines running from bow to stern.
Of course yes it is that but then beiside God mercy to keep to waters still for you from heavy sea storms and waves... which not all can stand with out mercy...
A shipload of cattle being tossed in heavy seas already paints a miserable welfare picture, but add to this that some of these cattle were heavily pregnant and you have an animal welfare disaster in the making.
This failure to identify that animals were pregnant and exclude them from export meant that heavily pregnant animals endured the worst possible conditions during the voyage — with the stockman's report revealing heavy seas and cattle unable to rise to their feet.
I am the brewmaster for Heavy Seas [in Baltimore, Md.].
America II, with nine wins and two losses in November, is now second with 56 points, while Stars & Stripes, a boat designed for the high winds and heavy seas typical of the waters off Fremantle during the summer months (December, January and February), lost four races and dropped to third place with 46 points.
A NASA satellite image from January 2012 shows heavy sea ice conditions in Bristol Bay and the Bering Sea, off the western coast of Alaska.
Both of them had the faces of mariners: eyes narrowed in a perpetual squint, wrinkles seared into place by too much sun, and a sharpness of expression that even heavy seas would not disturb.
Heavy seas generally pound this exposed stretch of reef, making it a difficult site.
Sailors spoke of wild seas and dangerous reefs, of steep cliffs and heavy sea mists.
We think some recent heavy sea fog and strong onshore winds created the conditions to drive -LSB-...]
The ship lost an engine in heavy seas after leaving the Antarctic Peninsula 24 hours ago, headed for a two - day return to port in Ushuaia, Argentina.
Shell's flotilla will continue to wait in Dutch Harbor — 1,000 miles south of the proposed drilling sites; the closest major port to the North Slope — while unexpectedly heavy sea ice prevents them from making the voyage to the Beaufort and Chukchi seas.
They left for London in 1672, leaving the master of heavy seas, the German - born Ludolf Bakhuizen, as the leading artist.
Container loads can shift during heavy seas and storms.
Due to heavy sea ice cover, access to rich foraging habitat on shallow shelves naturally fluctuates between seasons, years, decades and millennia.
His attempt last year failed (SI, April 20) when his craft, the Ra, began to fall apart in heavy seas 800 miles short of land.
I can not remember a time, either before or after the 1960s, when we Christians were more confused, more demoralized, and in greater disarray — a rudderless ship in a heavy sea.
On his first three tries McKee and his companions were plagued by motor failure, dragging anchors, swamping, foul weather and bad air, heavy seas and tides, injury, sickness and sharp arguments fomented by charges and countercharges of illegal activity — in short, the routine troubles that wreck hunters come to expect.
«Maths could help search and rescue ships sail more safely in heavy seas
Each year, however, around 100 such ships worldwide are lost or damaged in heavy seas, with around 2,500 casualties in 2013.
The heavy seas have kept all but one other boat from the 400 - foot - deep crater.
Getting in is a bit rough and a beach entry is not advisable on days with large swells or heavy seas.
On Friday, 23 February the schooner approached the Santa Barbara northern channel around 11:30 in the evening with wind from the west at 6 knots and a heavy sea running.
On the West side of the Atoll, large mangrove stands provide shelter from the trade winds and heavy seas.
Surf the west coast of Victoria at many beaches throughout the Great Ocean Road region from the famed breaks of Bells Beach, a much - loved icon of Australia's surf scene where the Rip Curl Pro is held every Easter, to the big right - handers of Blacknose, famous for a big south - westerly with a heavy sea, beyond Discovery Bay.
Listening To - C.J. Ramone Last Chance To Dance, Damon Albarn & The Heavy Seas Live at Royal Albert Hall, The Honorary Title from Enjoy the Ride Records, Johnny Marr Playland, First Aid Kit live at Lakeland College, Volcano Choir and Sylvan Esso live at Turner Hall 11/30/14, Pearl Jam live in Milwaukee mp3 files
Tagged annual summer minimum, arctic sea ice, Beaufort Sea, body condition, Cherry, Chukchi, declining sea ice, Eastern Beaufort, good news, heavy sea ice, Hudson Bay, ice - free Arctic, litter size, loss of summer ice, Pilfold, polar bear, record low, Regehr, ringed seals, Rode, sea ice extent, Southern Beaufort, Stirling, summer ice minimum, summer sea ice, thick spring ice
Heavy sea ice is a bigger threat to bearded seals, so they avoid regions where sea ice cover is more than 90 %.
By peak whelping time in April, heavy sea ice concentrations (turquoise line) largely remain as in March.
(The Navy did discard data collected during storms or heavy seas.)
So, prompted by reports of the heaviest sea ice conditions on the East Coast «in decades» and news that ice on the Great Lakes is, for mid-April, the worst it's been since records began, I took a close look at ice thickness charts for the Arctic.
Today, the system is flinging frozen precipitation across the I 95 corridor even as it prepares the batter the East Coast with yet one more bout of gale force winds and heavy seas.
«In fact, the [retrieval] boats weren't able to get close because of the heavy seas.
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