Sentences with phrase «hefty medical bills»

For example, the accident victim may need to seek medical treatment and incur hefty medical bills in order to recover.
Taking out this insurance ensures you do not face hefty medical bills without coverage.
Our personal injury attorneys will help you get the monetary compensation you deserve to help pay hefty medical bills.
Taking out this insurance ensures you do not face hefty medical bills without coverage.
If you are injured in a place where your own health insurance doesn't cover, you could be facing a relatively hefty medical bill.
It's also common for pet insurance plans to come with deductibles, so pet owners could easily still face hefty medical bills even with insurance.
It allows you to avail medical treatment without having to worry about paying hefty medical bills.
HealtyPaws was with us through this ordeal all the way, reimbursing hefty medical bills and following up with the hospital staff on the records and documentation.
For example, the accident victim may need to seek medical treatment and incur hefty medical bills in ord
Unfortunately, if a visitor is seriously injured while in your home and it can be shown that the injury was due to negligence on your part, you might find yourself responsible for hefty medical bills, lost wages and sometimes even punitive damages.
Victims of serious car accidents on the road who can not receive the proper medical attention they need if coverage will be limited will suffer not only the anguish and pain of the injuries inflicted upon them but also of hefty medical bills.
Hectic day - to - day life increases exposure to severe illnesses and when you go for medical treatment, you need to pay hefty medical bills.
Motorcycle accident victims can be left facing hefty medical bills, a significant time away from work, and even the possibility of long - term disabilities.
Loving Touch knew that they might be facing some hefty medical bills, given Mr. Salomon's advanced age and impaired mobility.
So, you could end up with a hefty medical bill if all you have is the Ehic card and not a proper travel insurance for Italy.
These accidents usually result in hefty medical bills, and there may even be a long period of disability and lost wages, which can have a devastating impact on your finances.
It may leave you with a wrecked car, physical and mental pain, hefty medical bills, and the inability to work.
Slip and fall accidents are a leading cause of injury in Lincoln and have the potential to result in hefty medical bills and other damages.
If you had a stroke or were diagnosed with cancer, for example, you may have higher chances of survival, but hefty medical bills to follow.
If one of your patrons slips and falls, you could have some hefty medical bills as a result.
His hefty medical bills in the hundreds of thousands of dollars sent my mother into bankruptcy.
A rollover will be an ugly sight to behold — you will be thrown around like a doll in confined space (which is constantly becoming smaller and smaller), and that'll cause some serious injury, topped with a hefty medical bill.
We are living in an era where monetary inflation has touched every aspect of our lives and a single hospitalisation or hefty medical bills may put a big dent in your life's savings.
You might not be able to bear those hefty medical bills, as medical treatments are exponentially more expensive in some foreign nations, especially in Europe.
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