Sentences with word «hegemonic»

The word "hegemonic" means having or exercising power or control over others, usually through dominance, influence, or manipulation. It refers to a situation where one group or country holds a position of supremacy or authority over others. Full definition
But there's an overuse of patient narratives in the mental - health sector, and «at times it's unethical and actually supports a particular kind of hegemonic understanding of mental health,» notes Costa.
An ungod who will be often invoked for material blessings, for the legitimation of hegemonic power.
Understand and apply clinically the effect of hegemonic masculinity on depression, and psychotherapy.
Jens Hoffmann has suggested that the «X» of Noemí Escandell's Displacement, which opened the exhibition's first iteration, stands for the «canceling out» of hegemonic narratives.
Despite the hollow moral platitudes offered by countless university administrators, the essential justification for the university is its technological usefulness, its crucial hegemonic role in the shaping of the consumer and the therapeutic culture.
According to Dênis de Moraes (2011, p. 47): «in the fight for hegemonic control, the centrality of the media becomes a decisive factor given that it serves to produce and disseminate information and ideas that contribute to the formation of the consensus around some conceptions of life».
However, without such a compelling conceptual framework with which to interpret «Untitled 2» (its media, listed as «steel, flat screen, and youth,» are not so enlightening), I can not but read the work in heavy, metonymic terms: the TV as technology, the boy as humanity, the Wall Street Journal as hegemonic power, the nude as vulnerable body — all rather hackneyed dichotomies of the day, made ready - to - hand by the exhibition's press release.
The clarification was necessary presumably because he had become painfully aware that the other kind of liberalism — the «muscular» one that has a much clearer idea of the right way to act, speak and even think — was a powerful, increasingly hegemonic force in the liberal circles in which he moved.
In seeking a solution to this unitary, exclusive and hegemonic ideology one must be careful to repudiate it as a paradigm.
Working across photography and video, Neptune critiques hegemonic systems of whiteness that shape one's definition of «self», and in She Fell From Normalcy, places particular emphasis on the emotional and mental health of people of color.
In fact, they are prone to ominously and subtly replicating dominant and hegemonic American values, without users even being aware that they are becoming instilled with particular and partitioned types of thought.
My point is not that «extra money» should be paid routinely but that we acknowledge our presence within larger hegemonic social and political - economic structures that shape and inform these everyday interactions in important ways.
Meanwhile, men's posts reinforce hegemonic norms — they're stronger, have more power over and are the caretakers / providers of their wives, maintaining the «institutional dominance of men over women.»
They will instantly talk of how it is filled with crime, pollution, hegemonic culture, and the wrong kind of white people: «I swear California is like two separate countries, and I am so thankful that I live in the cultural center of the West Coast.»
Its almost hegemonic status proposed the idea of a potentially universal art museum — an idea which, as its proponents are aware, has now become outdated.
Standing witness to the imperilment of the contemporary in the atomised space between «me» and «you,» Look for Me All Around You seeks to eschew the sole realm of the retinal embedded within hegemonic structures of looking, learning, and feeling.
In the words of curator and feminist Xabier Arakistain «Why has one of the legendary pioneers of feminist art, and one of the most popular living artists in the USA, still not received recognition from hegemonic art institutions?»
of winning back the UKIP voters for a once - again hegemonic Conservative party on something like 40 per cent support — a difficult feat indeed after a decade for the Tories in power.
«Why has one of the legendary pioneers of feminist art, and one of the most popular living artists in the USA, still not received recognition from hegemonic art institutions?»
It's all about counter hegemonic empowering values!
«Rauschenberg and Johns «used this feature [«the brushstroke»] not just to defeat but rather to obliterate objecthood by covering their hybrid «combines» and «assemblages» with the gestures that invoked painting's hegemonic period, loading their work with the repeated sign for painting itself.»
[66] Since then, this relationship has only intensified, as the Guerrilla Girls presented their exhibitions in museums and even allowed their works to be collected by hegemonic institutions.
Americans have always been known to, in order to protect their various hegemonic interests around the world, do everything to influence elections in other countries.
Using such hegemonic power they initiated a radical division of labour with the help of industrial revolution and accordingly the economy of the colonized nations were restructured towards producing raw materials and cash crops and of the West for technologically advanced industrial productions.
They insist that «if democracy really has a global destiny (as many in the West regarding their own polity would suggest), it must grow out of, rather than replace, the values of different cultures, for any democracy promoted by the West that is contextual as culturally hegemonic will be a democracy in name only.»
However, while all of this uncertainty and suspicion with respect to China represents fertile soil for a continuing US hegemonic position in the Asia - Pacific, perceptions of the US ability to sustain a long term presence matter.
Meanwhile, men's posts reinforce hegemonic norms — they're stronger, have more power over and are the caretakers / providers of their wives, maintaining the «institutional dominance of men over women.»
Only Boris has any realistic change of winning back the UKIP voters for a once - again hegemonic Conservative party on something like 40 per cent support — a difficult feat indeed after a decade for the Tories in power.
This panel does not necessarily answer O'Grady's question, but rather explores how sexually explicit material resonates outside the realm of hegemonic whiteness.
By using humor, she tries to disrupt hegemonic narratives and give voice to fictional stories.
But whereas that exhibition consolidated an emergent artistic practice, Other Primary Structures consolidates a highly problematic form of global art history, one that is no less hegemonic than the narrative from which it supposedly departs.
Together, the works form what the press release calls «narrative textures»: A densely woven, open ended field of possible stories, rather than the one way street of hegemonic history.
It's almost hegemonic status proposed the idea of a potentially universal art museum — an idea which, as its proponents are aware, has now become outdated.»
If there is despair on the part of these poor communities or the theologians who live and write in solidarity with them, it is less due to the change in Eastern Europe than to the prospect of facing unrestrained U.S. hegemonic domination within the emerging «New World Order.»
A school with little tennis tradition to speak of, Illinois is suddenly the NCAA's hegemonic program.
It is the self - replication and perpetuation of these interlinked biases that leads to the creation of a perceived hegemonic societal «system», whereby repeated winners are transformed into a dominant «elite», and repeated losers into an «underclass», with a remaindered majority of those without extreme fortunes caught in between.

Phrases with «hegemonic»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z