Sentences with phrase «held during his working life»

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38 That the Tradition was the work of Hippolytus was denied by J. Vernon Bartlet, Church Life and Church Order during the First Four Centuries (London, 1941) and held open to question by A. Hamel, Die Kirche bei Hippolyt (Gütersloh, 1951).
During the song, several people held up cardboard signs (a la «will work for food») with miracles God had done in their lives.
Artists who live, show work, or have held an artist residency (during the 2016 calendar year) in New Orleans or the surrounding region (within 200 miles of New Orleans city limits) are eligible to apply.
In 1931, during the early days of the Depression, before the Works Progress Administration was put in place, an outdoor art exhibition, modeled on those in Europe, was held in Washington Square to help struggling artists make a living.
In a break during the installation of a new display of her work at The Photographers» Gallery, South African photographer Zanele Muholi is holding forth ardently about the lives of the black lesbian women and trans men she portrays, showing me their portraits alongside their harrowing testimonies of homophobic violence, «curative» rape and extreme prejudice from the medical, religious, legal and political worlds.
The Museo Picasso Málaga's showcase is one of the most important exhibitions of Kippenberger's work to be held in Spain, where he lived during the late 1980s and where he produced one of the series of artworks that were directly related to Pablo Picasso, who had held a strong appeal for him ever since his early days as an artist.
Or an all day conference, a sort of pre-planned walkout, filled with workshops on getting better assignments, business development, the work - life continuum,... self - care, etc. — not held on the weekend, but pointedly during the workday.»
A poll held during the live panel program highlighted that 35 % of health teams where the audience members worked did not have any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Health Workers.
«No variables, it is held, have more far - reaching effects on personality development than have a child's experiences within his family: for, starting during the first months of his relations with his mother figure, and extending through the years of childhood and adolescence in his relations with both parents, he builds up working models of how attachment figures are likely to behave towards him in any of a variety of situations; and on those models are based all his expectations, and therefore all his plans for the rest of his life
Fact:» [1] Fathers who reported strong authoritarian views were involved relatively less in weekday caregiving, playing, teaching, and nighttime soothing and in weekend teaching during early infancy... Attitudes consistent with authoritarian parenting, in which demands for obedience and behavioral control of children are prominent, appear to have lasting, negative effects on fathering even early in life, long before parent - child conflicts and matters of discipline become common...» [2] Consistent with prior work linking maternal attitudes and father involvement, fathers engaged in relativelyless caregiving, playing, and teaching on weekends during early infancy when their partners held highly protective attitudes... Although an initial lack of experience or support might be expected to diminish father involvement over time, relations between maternal protective attitudes and fathers» relative involvement did not hold longitudinally... the lack of longitudinal relations may suggest that father involvement is primarily self - determined and that mothers» attitudes are in part a consequence of how involved fathers actually are in childrearing.»
For listings in close proximity to transportation and business hubs, holding an open house during the evening rush hour can give visitors a built - in opportunity to see what their travel time between work and home would be like if they lived there.
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