Sentences with phrase «held in a particular context»

They are held in a particular context, show political cleavages and have consequences.

Not exact matches

Here Lakatos, like Kuhn, holds that only scientists themselves can decide, in particular historical contexts, whether to stick with a research programme or not.
The Hong Kong brand of wire - enhanced martial arts (a major deviation from the TV series, for staunch gun opposer Barrymore nixed the use of any firearms in the film) works especially well in the over-the-top context, and the stars are all game — in particular Diaz, who is given a large share of non-wire fight scenes and more than holds her own.
This activity report presents a record of the Seminar held from 27 to 29 July 2009 in Paris, focused on the role of education in addressing climate change, linking the local, regional and global contexts with particular emphasis on the challenges faced by Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
The BCCA held 2:1 that in some circumstances the link could be defamatory — but only if in context the poster of the link called particular attention to it and indicated agreement.
Furthermore, internet - delivered CM may hold particular promise in rural contexts, as these communities typically struggle to access traditional clinic - based counselling opportunities.
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