Sentences with phrase «held together»

A congregation, according to our working definition, is constituted by the practice of the worship of God; and «worship,» we warned, will be understood too narrowly if its public and its universal features are not held together.
It would initially seem that my two core theological beliefs about the Bible (Scripture is inerrant and Jesus focused) can not be held together coherently.
These are all held together in loose harmony by the pervasive influence of God as their coordinating agency.
Built in the early 19th century over previous constructions, the shrine was in danger of collapse and barely held together by iron girders added decades later.
I remember my older sister snarling as she held together the ends of a package, waiting for the Elmer's glue to dry after the Scotch tape had run out.
Having been taught that the Christian faith is held together by a set of propositional truths and fact - claims, they found that removing one truth (or fact) was enough to make the whole thing collapse.
The flock is held together by fear, not love or tolerance.
The divide - and - rule tactic of British colonialism almost succeeded in making Indians believe that they were merely a disparate conglomeration of human tribes loosely held together.
As a loose coalition of conservative Protestants, evangelicalism has always been a fragmented movement held together by a common mission, and by organizations such as the National Association of Evangelicals.
As a body is an organism made up of many members, and it is held together by one soul, so, in my opinion, the whole world is a kind of huge and immense living creature which is united by one soul, namely the power and reason of God.
In one sense, too, each of us has an identity; but that is to be found in a series of routings of events and experiences that are held together in some sort of unity of direction.
What is important is the recognition that for Israel, power and solidarity are held together, and that both are crucial for Israel's normative utterance about Yahweh.»
The idea that marriages could be held together by law was the state of affairs that was represented to Jesus by the Pharisees who questioned him.
Denise and Eric (the couple) could have been, as the English say, «stark raving bonkers,» held together by massive doses of tranquilizers just to get through their interview with Rogers.
The plot is loosely held together by quite a bit of setting up and falling down, devoting much of its runtime to making you want to care about what the Pentagon Papers are, how the newspaper operates, and what's clearly at stake, before finally getting to the point where everything finally comes together, which is when the film is at its sharpest.
15Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, 16from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
Without a common theological narrative to sustain the demands of real virtue, traditionalists believe, moral community collapses and society is held together only by coercion and violence.
That is, does it have a basically unified message, or is it simply held together by the decree of the Church?
They are held together chiefly by a view of democratic tradition as a largely habitual (as opposed to rationally necessary)....
With the glue gone that once held them together, Farley argues, the traditional disciplines — Bible, church history, systematic and practical theology — of the classic, fourfold curriculum will continue to function in a dispersed state until a new paradigm is located which can organize the pursuit and attainment of theological education.
Her namesake, Elizabeth I, produced an English religious settlement of quite profound diplomatic artistry, which gave us the Church of England, and which she held together throughout the turbulent years of her reign (a mere 44 years).
We or for that matter, all of «celestialized» life is merely conglomerate clusters of cellular organizations of inner cosmological rifts of atomic matter being held together by an order of conjunctive reasoned abilities far beyond one's mental complexities» aspirations!
It is held together by long complex lines of communication.
Religious individualism, then, leads to a purely secular society which can be held together only by external coercion.
They found it impossible, however, for the hawthorn bushes held together as if they had hands, and the young men remained stuck in them, couldn't get free, and died miserable deaths.
When one wonders what holds the man together, enables him to bring equal enthusiasm to his practical decisions and his pastoral and proclamatory function, one learns that he is held together (if he is) by his public role of responsibility for the external advancement of the congregation.
His conclusion is that metaphysics must maintain that the universe is held together by love or watch itself evaporate into thin air.
At this juncture Bonhoeffer introduces two propositions that must be held together always.
I believe that Christ is all, is in all, and all things are held together in Him.
Europe, the thought is, can be held together by shared values and interests that would allow for the withering away of at least much of the nation - state.
Thus a congregation is held together by much more than creeds, 3 governing structures, and programs.
The unifying bond as well as guiding principle of the tribes had been their loyalty to their God: neither monarch, priest, nor organization had held them together, but all responded when their God spoke through the one chosen by him to save his people.
Can Christian love be divided into two kinds of love held together only in the tenuous bonds of paradox?
Of the warp of space and the woof of time this existence of ours is woven, and held together in a dynamic whole.
Such a concept of the freedom of choice atomizes it by attributing it exclusively to the individual human acts, held together only by the identity of their subject and the length of his life.
At least from the time of the exodus, with Moses» molding of a tribal people into a nation with a sense of its destiny and a moral consciousness of God's demands, it was the sovereign, righteous rule of God that held them together.
But above and beyond the strings of «commonality,» believers in Christ are held together by something even greater: the Spirit of God who lives, breathes and works in us and through us.
«It turns out that the Lunar Module was made up of mylar and cellophane held together with scotch tape and staples.
With Independence, these statesmen had to find a way to secure liberty that balanced popular engagement with a national structure, held together under a rule of law.
[11] In the beginning of history, in the initial equation of energies poised together in organisation and potency, all of life is held together in what will be the ordered development of the cosmos from the formation of the first galaxies to the appearance of life.
Positioned as Scot's «manifesto» of the Christian faith, One.Life touches on everything from the gospel, to justice, to sex, to vocation, to heaven & hell — all held together by the centrality of Christ's kingdom message.
It is less true of specifically religious organizations that are held together primarily or exclusively by cultic bonds.
Tucked into his well - thumbed Bible, the spine held together with silver duct tape, is a picture of Marilyn Manson in full goth makeup.
My own way of speaking of this matter is to insist that the doctrines of redemption and creation must be held together.
The two held together as a single action were to be the main Sunday service of worship for every Christian.
Strauss must know that this strategy is quixotic, since as soon as he says we must be open to the excellence of philosophy and to the obedience of the pious, he has made it impossible not to wonder how these dispositions can be integrated, or at least held together in the same soul.
Although these essays were written over a span of time and for different audiences, they are held together by K.Cs deep and passionate concern for justice, peace and the integrity of creation, This is a book that should be read and studied by churches, grassroots people, policy makers, theologians and others who are seeking to create a world that is safe for all.
In fact, by the end of the 1970s, it had come to resemble an ancient piece of do it yourself machinery, constructed by amateurs, held together by adhesive tape and emitting old fashioned steam from every joint.
If our human existence is not that of some supposedly substantial and indestructible soul to whom experiences happen, but is rather those experiences themselves held together in unity and given identity by the awareness and self - awareness which makes it possible for us to say «I» and «you», then the enduring reality, which God accepts and values, is precisely that series of events or occasions which go to make us what we are.
In this way, it stands as a kind of evil twin to Green Linnet Records, which offers a lively sampling of great musical stories held together only by a sentimental affirmation of all things Irish.
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