Sentences with phrase «hell in a hand basket»

But since you will never be first on the scene, there will always be something to make your little darling seem expensive: Competition is lurking imminently, the stock has already run up, or the market is going to hell in a hand basket
The world isn't suddenly going to hell in a hand basket.
I used to not want kids because I thought the world was going to hell in a hand basket.
There's a pessimism that the world is going to hell in a hand basket and the best we can do is hope Jesus will come back.
I m sure he would love nothing better than to spread the lie that christians are a bunch of petty academics splitting hairs while the world is going to hell in a hand basket.
Most of us evangelicals in Canada, regardless of personal beliefs about homosexuality, can admit that since same - sex marriage has been legalised in Canada, our society has not gone to hell in a hand basket, nor has traditional marriage, or our families been under attack.
And since they believe theirs is the only true religion, they also believe that the great majority of people are going to hell in a hand basket.
And what happens when the bottom drops out of everything we know to have seen all that we thought was secure, and the world going to hell in a hand basket — which incidently, it already is.
Now, it's just gone to hell in a hand basket.
Other things Sax cites as clear signs the world is going to hell in a hand basket: Kids today wear obnoxious T - shirts, TV shows aren't as good as they used to be, and Miley Cyrus.
We'll see if it works out that way, but Gov. Cuomo has turned a blind eye before on his commitments with «Progressives» and when this election is over, he may just tell the WFP to go to hell in a hand basket.
Repeatedly, Iñárritu and Arriaga stop themselves just short of suggesting that we're all going to hell in a hand basket.
The material sounds light and kid - friendly, but it all goes to hell in a hand basket in its second act.
everything pretty much goes to hell in a hand basket.
This all goes to hell in a hand basket once he's manipulated.
I do find it a bit arrogant of some agents to think that literature will go hell in a hand basket without them.
It is my opinion that weimaraners are rapidly «going to hell in a hand basket».
Well, our world wouldn't be going to hell in a hand basket!
Entitled Last Raven, it featured a complex branching narrative occurring over a 24 hour period where the entire world was going to hell in a hand basket.
I have a problem with the fact that the world feels like it's on fire and we're all going to hell in a hand basket — and an artist can just paint white on white?
Instead, it turns out the world's economy has gone to hell in a hand basket because there's too much oil to fetch a good price.
Peak oil was the notion, much talked about in the early Aughts, that after a maximum point of oil extraction had been reached, the world's economy would go to hell in a hand basket because there wouldn't be enough oil to do all the stuff we humans want to do with it.
Free speech, trademarks (plain cigarette packs, particularly) and civil liberties are going to hell in a hand basket, and we need smart, outspoken defenders like you guys.
So, all of my original ideas of painting the pair of chairs and covering them with just the right fabric went to hell in a hand basket.

Not exact matches

I'd much rather spend my life believing, living my life as if there IS a heaven as a reward, having the comfort of thinking that God will be there when I draw my last breath, and being comforted with the thought as I watch the world go to hell in a hand - basket... and not be aware after death that I was wrong because, as Hawking says..
If christians could gain complete control, the whole world would go to hell in a hand - basket — really quick!
«I believe that if it were possible to give atheists a country all their own, like Sweden or Denmark, without any religious influence what so ever, they would destroy themselves rather quickly, like Sweden and Denmark have, uh like they, uh, okay, they are advanced and prosperous with low rates of crime, but that is hell in a hand - basket if I ever heard it.»
I lost count of how many «revivals» I sat through, listening to all of the ways that the Canadian church was failing, the ways that Canada was going to hell in a hand - basket, the litany of how we did it wrong, and God had called them here to show us how to do this faith thing the right way and, then, «we would see a move of God like nothing ever seen before, bless God!»
«Atheists could gain complete control, the whole world would go to hell in a hand - basket — really quick!»
But I never want to be the old woman muttering, «The world's going to hell in a hand - basket
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