Sentences with phrase «hell yeah»

And get I get a «hell yeah» regarding my nice wide driveway?
Are there some crappy resumes out in the world, hell yeah, but the majority of you are controlled by emotion while reviewing a resume.
«Hell yeah I want a career coach!
Allaire didn't hesitate in his response — Hell yeah, of course!
So conspiracy no, cognitive dissonance hell yeah!
If your answers to these questions are «yes,» «hell yeah,» and «sometimes,» then have I got the book for you?
Apart from being in your swimsuit with other co-workers, we were all like «Hell yeah, we're going to get in that pool!»
Then I noticed, the people who read my blog the most avidly, and the bloggers I tend to read most avidly, hell yeah, they're mostly trying to do the same thing too, in their own way.
Hell yeah, I'll buy seven!
Then I notice, the people who read my blog the most avidly, and the bloggers I tend to read most avidly, hell yeah, they're mostly trying to do the same thing too, in their own way.
Here newspaper clippings, found images, fragmented language and everyday objects aggregate into captivating collaged portraits of the world at present — the US incarceration system, Hell Yeah Tumblr sites, domestic violence month — emphasizing an immediacy of content and material, and speaking to numerous trajectories within art history.
I mean, hell yeah I am, have you seen that dwarven colossus statue that comes in the collector's edition?
Other games on sale we recommend are The Typing of the Dead: Overkill, Warhammer 40K: Space Marine, Hell Yeah!
Playing Hell Yeah!
A few days ago SEGA gave out Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah!
Sega is giving away Golden Axe, Jet Set Radio and Hell Yeah!
Now, as an adult, and like everyone else working in the games industry, I don't have the time to actually play or finish games, when I see a game coming out and I see through the reviews that «It's only like 6 hours long», a lot of people get pissed at that, but I'm like «Hell yeah!».
Hell yeah, you'll done by 60!!
This is the developer's first time working with a big publisher and Hell Yeah!
3.75 for The Unfinished Swan, Sound Shapes, Quantum Conundrum, and Hell Yeah!
While waiting in the ridiculously long line for Metal Gear Rising, I let Nuckles87 hold my place in line while I went to speak with Aurelien Regard and Dimitri Pean of Arkedo Studio to talk all things involving Hell Yeah!
* Checks calendar * oh boy it's that time of year already, when artists from around the world dream up fake Nintendo games then print them out on cartridges for us to look at them and think, oh hell yeah, why wasn't there a No Man's Sky for the Famicom?
Other releases include the next episode of The Walking Dead: Season Two and hot damn, some simulation farmin», hell yeah.
Show your love for Hell Yeah!
SEGA's got a huge sale on this week on Xbox LIVE for some of their biggest titles such as Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed, Virtua Fighter 5 FS, Hell Yeah and lots more.
Alongside our upcoming blockbuster franchise titles Sonic & All - Stars Racing Transformed and Aliens: Colonial Marines, we are also showing off several digital titles, including Double Fine's The Cave and Hell Yeah!
@ChaotixFox: Hell yeah!
BUT the Game of the Year went to Telltale's The Walking Dead, and I say HELL YEAH to that!
Other artists that contributed include Z.E.P (Voxatron, Chocolate Castle), Romain Gauthier (Squids, Squids Wild West, EDGE, Magnetis), Sylvain Hellio (Hell Yeah!
The SEGA Blog has revealed the price and release date of Arkedo Studio's digital title Hell Yeah!
Jet Set Radio Golden Axe Hell Yeah!
If you ask any gamer out there, any real gamer, if they fancy killing some zombies then the answer is almost definitely a yes — possibly a HELL YEAH.
Finally, you have till October 11th to redeem the code, so you might want to hold off and see if we get Hell Yeah!
That said, this was to a considerably lesser extent given the context of each IP: Gears of War 4 is known for its «beefy bro» characters and their «hell yeah» attitude, while the sequel to Ubisoft's near - future action game is trying — perhaps a little too hard — to emulate the «hacker» culture.
SUMMARY: Hell Yeah!
But despite this one notable misstep, Hell Yeah!
That is, of course, until Arkedo's Hell Yeah!
in Europe for PlayStation Plus users are going to give Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition, Bulletsorm and Hell yeah!
Psn EUR: — Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition — Bulletstorm — Hell Yeah!
What I'm really bummed about is EU getting Hell Yeah!
As its name implies, Hell Yeah!
We had Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II, Jet Set Radio, Sonic & SEGA All - Stars Racing for iPad, Virtua Tennis Challenge, Hell Yeah!
Most of my sessions included at least a few «hell yeah
The experience of playing Hell Yeah!
Hell yeah, I'm more than ready for another Unreal Tournament, this is great news.
SEGA ® Europe and SEGA ® of America Inc. are excited to announce Hell Yeah!
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