Sentences with phrase «help achieve consensus»

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And I expect to be able to help in this area over the coming months, so that we can achieve together this «consensus building» (Susan George) around the story.
«As he has shown in the past with other difficult issues, Governor Cuomo can help achieve real results by bringing stakeholders together and forging a consensus.
Achieving those results, however, will require the support of higher education not only throughout the development of theexams but also into their full implementation.As a first step toward encouraging higher education systems to endorse and base judgments aboutstudents» college readiness on the new assessments, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundationand Lumina Foundation requested the National Center for Higher Education ManagementSystems (NCHEMS) to identify the conditions that help build consensus between K - 12 andpostsecondary systems at a state level.
Setting measurable and appropriately challenging school goals helps educators achieve purposeful results — especially when the staff reaches consensus on which goals to set.
Climate knowledge is growing rapidly now and while there still remain some interesting challenges to the status quo on certain points (for example, exactly how it is that CO ₂ and CH ₄ started rising some 5000 years ago, if not by human impacts, or how it is that humans overwhelmed expected gradual declines and added enough to achieve those rises that far back) that need further research... the very conservative consensus, which must be conservative by its nature since it takes time for consensus to develop as further research helps to close gaps and remove or improve assumptions, is always playing catch - up it seems.
Since IOTA consensus is achieved without the help of miners, the transaction fees on IOTA is zero.
This in turn helped achieve a political consensus that garnered bipartisan support.
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