Sentences with phrase «help keep your dog safe»

While electronic dog fencing may help keep a dog safe, there are some considerations to keep in mind before investing in one.
While most pet owners associate the «leave it» command solely with food, it can be used in a variety of scenarios, and can also help keep your dog safe.
These commands will help you keep your dog safe, while the training sessions will help you build a deep relationship with your pet, who in turn will keep their mental skills sharp.
All dogs should be taught how to stay on command especially since this command can help keep a dog safe and out of danger.
Whether you train Fido yourself or pay for a professional to do it, training helps keep your dog safe.
By obeying leash laws and taking care to properly fence your yard, you will not only be respecting the laws in your community, but you will be helping keep your dog safe from cars, other dogs and unforeseen dangers.
Teaching your dog to answer your commands will not only keep her busy and mentally stimulated, but it can also help you keep your dog safe outdoors.
It not only helps keep your dog safe from a number of medical issues, but it also helps reduce overpopulation.
Submissive urination in dogs in this scenario is simply conveying to the other dog the message «I am not challenging you», and therefore, it helps keep the dog safe and out of trouble.
As such, we felt this was not only the perfect opportunity to share Harper's story, but also tips to help keep your dog safe and what to do if your pet does get lost.
We work with helping people find housing, training, spay and neuter services, and we try to help them keep their dogs safe in any other way we can.
A little bit of planning can help keep your dog safe, healthy and calmer.
The 3 - in - 1 parasite protection of Trifexis ® (spinosad + milbemycin oxime) can help you keep your dog safe year - round.
We take great pride in our work and love knowing that our personalized dog products help keep dogs safe at home with their families.
Note: We received no compensation for this post; this is a public service from Fidose of Reality to help keep dogs safe.
Just these five simple commands can help keep your dog safer and improve your communication with him.
Chew toys, a little extra love and affection, and safe movement will help keep your dog safe and on the mend!
This product also kills deer ticks, American dog ticks, brown dog ticks, and lone star ticks which can help keep your dog safe from Lyme Disease by preventing tick bites.
The following tips are to help you keep your dog safe and happy at the park.
This provides owners positive control, so they can help keep their dog safe and reinforce all commands.
When used in conjunction with other tick — and flea — control products, the formula helps keep dogs safe and healthy.
The dog days of summer are filled with travel, leisure and plenty of outdoor activity, and retailers can help keep dogs safe with a seasonal products, advice and services.
The American Heartworm Society estimates that 1 million dogs have this potentially fatal disease.1 That's why year - round heartworm prevention is so important to help keep your dog safe.
The reflective properties help keep your dogs safe from cars and make them easier to spot at night with a flashlight.
Tune in for things to know to help keep your dog safe.

Not exact matches

The risk of heat stroke increases with dehydration, so one effective way to help working dogs stay safe is to keep them hydrated.
Volvo's accessory dog harness will help keep your pooch safe in the event of a crash or a high - speed maneuver.
The digging (and thus a hidden sleeping spot) also helps keep the wild dogs safe from predators.
Keeping your dog safe and cool in the summer heat will help both you and your companion fully enjoy the summer months.
Keeping your hands on your dog the whole way through the grooming process helps give them comfort as well as helping to keep them safe.
The positive behavior of your dog keeps his life safe and helps to conduct a good relationship with the owner.
Rather, you have to show your dog that, always you are very much cordial to help it and determined to keep it safe from any harmful situation.
Because of this, the command helps to keep your dog safe in countless scenarios, preventing him from rushing out the front door or darting out of a vehicle before the leash is on.
According to the National Dog Day website, National Dog Day's mission «is to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year and acknowledges family dogs and dogs that work selflessly each day to save lives, keep us safe and bring comfort.»
A traditional wooden or metal fence can help, but a persistent dog can still find a way through, and if you don't have a fence the cost of building one is huge.Thousands of dog lovers have turned to electronic fences to keep their pets safe, but these too present costly installation problems such as cutting through concrete driveways.
I hope the information you read about will help you become aware of this illness so you can keep your dog with pica safe.
Bring a dog inside (or help a chained dog in your neighborhood) and you'll keep everyone safer....
Assess - a-Pet ™ helps keep shelter workers, who generally have little or no information about the dogs in their care, safer.
If people in the home or the community need to be safe while these behaviors are being resolved, I can help you develop a protocol that keeps everyone safe while your dog is being trained for new, more appropriate behaviors.
Not only will it make life with your growing dog more pleasant, it will potentially help to keep him safe from harm too.
Here is a guide to help you understand what the dog flu is, and how to keep your dog safe.
This way you can help to keep yourself and the dog safe.
In an effort to help protect pets this 4th of July, K9 of Mine has released a new infographic on how to keep your dog safe and calm during fireworks!
This safe and affordable complementary treatment is not just for recovery and rehabilitation as massage and myotherapy can also help active athletic dogs, keeping them in top condition for sport or just for the activity in daily life which can help to prevent any injuries.
This can help in keeping dogs safe from eating the cat's feces that contain bacteria and also helps the cat in having a peaceful time while defecating.
Child proof locks on cupboards, keeping sweet candy and people pills out of reach, and puppy proofing holiday decorations help keep your baby dog safe.
Dogs love to chew and it's good for them to do, but like all things — they need your help to keep them safe while doing so!
To help people keep their beloved pets safe, the Pet Poison Helpline recommends going through each room of your home and looking at it from a dog or cat's perspective.
Ever since man started raising sheep, they needed a trusty dog to help protect stock and herd from pen to pen for safe keeping.
When a natural disaster strikes, your emergency plan can help keep your family safe — but does your plan include your dog?
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