Sentences with phrase «help making ends meet»

People who need help making ends meet always welcome the basics like rice, beans, pasta, peanut butter and spaghetti sauce.
These loans are again based on your income rather than your credit score and can help you make ends meet in times of struggle.
But can you actually use your disability insurance to help make ends meet during maternity leave?
Thousands of fast - food workers submitted letters supporting the increase, with many saying it would help them make ends meet after years of low wages.
When he's not in class you can generally find him working diligently at a diner to help make ends meet at home.
It can help you make ends meet when you're unable to work without needing to completely drain your emergency fund or other savings.
I was able to get a part - time clerical job, and both unemployment checks and severance pay helped make ends meet.
A lot of people need help making ends meet, but not everyone qualifies for established agencies.
If you need your tax return advance to help you make ends meet after a stressful holiday season, that's a great way to use it too — it's your money.
In conjunction with an emergency fund, long - term disability will help you make ends meet until you can return to work.
That's not a lot but it can help make ends meet at the end of the month.
To help make ends meet while she waits for the insurance company to pay up, Alice takes a job as a real estate agent.
But if people can get paid for flexible, on - demand work — driving, delivering, etc — can we restructure how how help them make ends meet?
When payday is around the corner, but you're already overdrawn on your bank account, these are the perfect loans to help you make ends meet for a few more days.
Not that I plan on blogging full time, but if I were writing a newsletter, having a blog that throws off a reasonable amount of revenue would help make ends meet as I build my business.
What I like most about the 30 - year is it provides maximum flexibility: you can still pay extra principal each month as if you had a 15 - year mortgage, and in case you lose your job, you have a lower payment that helps you make ends meet easier and stretch your emergency fund savings longer!
If anyone depends on you financially (spouse or partner, children, aging parents...), life insurance can help them make ends meet if anything were to happen to you and your income would no longer be there.
But, he added, in order to close the import - export gap, farmers need help making ends meet during the three transition years in which they must farm organically and often experience lower yields than under conventional methods, but do not yet qualify for the higher price premium of organic to compensate for their losses.
Whether you're refinancing other debts, paying for home improvement, or need help making ends meet, a personal loan can provide the needed influx of cash.
If your savings balance is low, and you're counting on Social Security to help make ends meet in retirement, be aware that the monthly check you get might not be enough.
Because you will have your bad credit student loan to help you make ends meet while you are preparing for your career, you can focus more on your education, which will help you do better in school.
VanGorder, the CARP chairperson in Nova Scotia, says he went back to work almost full time to help make ends meet after the market meltdown burned a hole in his mutual fund portfolio.
Lone - parents are more likely to turn to payday loans as a last resort to help make ends meet until they can no longer borrow.
The best way to help your employees manage their financial stress is to help them make ends meet.
People in San Francisco, who are choosing to drive with Lyft to help make ends meet, shouldn't have to compromise their privacy in order to share a ride,» a lift spokesperson told The Los Angeles Times.
The young Bachmann babysat for 50 cents an hour to help make ends meet.
An endowment of $ 2.85 million will help make ends meet.
With Malaga banned from competing in European competition next term the club's owners will be looking to sell a player or two to help make ends meet and Isco is a player they are likely to consider cashing in on when the transfer window re-opens.
Miriam Dean, 40, who is raising an 11 - year - old daughter on her wages from cleaning a laundry facility, said the club often gives her a few cartons of 1 percent milk to take home to help make ends meet.
i mean my husband and i both had 2 jobs (that is all we could get) and still we needed the assistance from WIC to help make ends meet.
Here are resources that can help make ends meet, including child support, WIC, TANF, food pantries, mortgage assistance, free school lunches, and community organizations.
A stay - at - home mom who took odd jobs on the side to help make ends meet, mine spent her twenties raising two small kids and...
Rural poverty is different from urban poverty: I have friends who struggle to find their monthly rent but who distrust welfare so much that they augment the food they grow with poaching and road kill just to help make ends meet.
Prosecutors said he was struggling to pay for his $ 815,000 home and leaned on Todd Howe, a disgraced former lobbyist and one - time aide to Cuomo when he was federal housing secretary, to arrange payments from his clients to help make ends meet.
His older brother has been helping make ends meet, but Chowell - Puente has also taken money from his assistantship to pay for his little brother's schooling and English lessons.
Work has been rough lately so looking to try to meet some sexy mommas that will help me make ends meet, as i will help them with whatever desire!
Am not a gold digger but looking for a decent weekly allowance to help make ends meet....
One thing is for sure: after Jimmy loses his job due to fears over rising insurance costs brought on by his pre-existing condition, he needs an influx of cash to help make ends meet.
Many were English - language learners or young parents, or were being raised by single parents, and most were working full or part time to help make ends meet.
Plus, the district is struggling to maintain sufficient cash to operate on a day - to - day basis, forcing it to borrow against future property tax collections to help make ends meet.
They know better for citizens of Wake County and they know better for kids whose parents need some help making ends meet.
«Higher than average refunds mean more money in the pockets of Newark's working families to help them make ends meet,» Zalkind said.
It also found that 40 percent of KIPP alumni skip meals in college to help make ends meet.
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