Sentences with phrase «help me god»

And Shelly, I make no judgement as to whether what you are doing is helping you God deeper with God or not.
Saul internally had a «God» scale tipped towards loving God, and thought he was helping God by tracking them down and having them killed.
At the very end of their life they all cry out «Help me God».
Why is it religious and sectarian when an elementary school teacher prays in front of a class room of children, but a mere nonreligious solemnization when a President stands in front of the nation and swears, on a Bible, so help him God, to carry out the office to which he has been entrusted?
The candidate will end his oath with «so help me God,» and mention God somewhere in the inaugural address; prominent clergy will lead the nation in prayer.
He placed his hand on a Bible, swore to execute the duties of his office and defend the Constitution, and then spontaneously added words used in the English coronation service: «I swear, so help me God
The street preacher who told me he was helping God get people into hell, not heaven.
But all of the leaders, in their own way and context, have dedicated their lives to trying to help God's people worship Him.
Read the Consti.tution (Article 3), it states the oath of office there, and the words «so help me god» are NOT part of the oath at all.
I don't believe in that god, no offence, so any oath ending in «so help me god» becomes hollow and meaningless.
Therefore, the assumption that «so help me god» is a direct reference to the god of Abraham shouldn't just enrage atheists, but also people who believe in a different god, such as people of the Hindu or Native American religions.
(CNN)-- The Air Force has reversed course again and will allow an atheist airman to omit the phrase «so help me God» from its oath, the military branch said Wednesday.
Even then, however, it was not an absolute requirement in the Air Force: Official policy had stated that «Airmen may omit the words «so help me God,» if desired for personal reasons.»
«Airmen who choose to omit the words «So help me God» from enlistment and officer appointment oaths may do so.»
Washington (CNN)- At his request, President Barack Obama is ending his inaugural oath with: «So help me God
At his request, President Barack Obama is ending his inaugural oath with: «So help me God
The true meaning of the ethical, writes Buber, is «to help God by loving His creation in his creatures, by loving it towards Him.»
We follow gods who fill our bellies, but the God of Israel and Jesus promise more — and less: enough bread for our need but not all we want, so that we can help God get to all people with what they need.
This it the truth, the whole truth, nothing but the help me God.
The help God give all people is the truth....
I'm 13 and I'm not sure what to make of this Thanks for your help God bless you Kelsey
Not all atheist get offended by the «in god we trust» and the «swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and so help me god» or the «under one god» or the «god bless america».
Pioneer groups studied (and many believed) some very simple propositions about the help God can and does make available to those who want it.
I think also that most court room procedures use «swear or affirm» and don't use any «so help me God» language.
@Frogist I think in most cases the «So help me God» bit is optional.
She writes that the website and video produced by the official committee in charge of the inauguration say George Washington set a precedent by saying «So help me God
Even Moses tries to tell us that the Promised Land was to be GIVEN by God without a fight, but the refusal of the consensus to move forward due to fear of «new things», caused them to receive it the way that they believed for it, by fighting for it; by helping God out.
By adding the words «so help me God» to the oath of office, as Supreme Court chief justices and presidents have done since at least 1933, Roberts would...
This last clause introduces an idea still unknown to the great majority of Catholics, although forshadowed in the Vatican II documents: namely that in carrying out his command to «till the earth and subdue it», which includes the arts and sciences, we are helping God complete his creation.
But it is important to emphasize that the possibility that the church may help God to save the world in no way implies that God does not need, and may not receive, the support of other communities, traditions, institutions, and, of course, individuals.
Perhaps Muslims or Buddhists will help God more than Christians.
So far I have spoken of creatures helping God to save the world.
If we recognize that by breaking down boundaries we have a much better chance of helping God save the world, this may encourage us to do so.
Without that challenge, the church will not help God save the world.
Those of us within the church know all too painfully the limits of its capacities, and we must hope eagerly that others are more ready to help God save the world than are we.
We are not likely to help God save the world if we are complacent about its present condition and prospects.
I doubt that God can save the world from that, and I am quite sure the church can not help God to do so.
This rightly points to openness to God's working through us, and there is indeed much of which we must let go if we are to be effective in helping God.
To speak of our helping God points to a still more specific way of thinking of how God works in and through creatures.
President - elect Barack Obama asked that the words «so help me God» be added to the end of the oath of office at the Inauguration, according to CNN.
Nor is «so help me God» part of the presidential oath of office.
Depends on the jurisdiction, I think, but the Const.itution uses «oath or affirmation,» so I would think if it were taken to court, «so help me God» would not be required.
Yours: «Depends on the jurisdiction, I think, but the Const.itution uses «oath or affirmation,» so I would think if it were taken to court, «so help me God» would not be required.
Since the founding of the nation, it has been customary for both national and state legislatures to open their sessions with prayer, and the oaths taken in court and by judges end with the words, «So help me God
The truth is what will result from your mind and heart but to think you need to Lisen and Read and ask who know if you didn't know... May God Guide and bless all in faith of God Almighty Allah the One and onoy creator of all creations the God of all (Jews / Christians / Muslims) who worship no one other than God alone and follow the roads leading to learn the truth nothing but the truth, so help me God.
And... there's nobody will say «So help me Darwin»; or «So help me Dawkin»; or so Help me Batman; But ONLY «So Help me God».
The candidate will end his oath with «so help me God,» and....
Martin Luther proclaims on the steps of the cathedral: «I can do no other so help me God
The last time I was preparing to say the oath I asked my officiating officer to leave out «So help me God» and he looked at me like I had two heads.
When I took the oath of enlistment and reenlistments I NEVER said so help me god.
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