Sentences with phrase «help page loading»

Top tip for aspiring travel writers and bloggers: Joining smugmug and linking our blog pictures to that site versus posting directly to WordPress has helped our pages load faster and ensures the best photo quality (a tip we learned by attending TBEX last year).

Not exact matches

To help producers share information, they've started an open - source project and wiki page where farmers trade tips on selecting the best crickets for breeding and debate the merits of «gut - loading» insects with foods like apples and honey to give them a sweeter finish.
I recommend starting out on this page to get familiar with my nutrition and fitness philosophy - you'll find many great articles to help you navigate the loads of information you're hearing about how to lose fat and get healthy.
Also is there any way to stop the «Click to Subscribe» popup that always comes up on the video, because this would help speed up the page loads.
My 24 - page e-guide loaded with tips to help you get on track and get your body back!
The changes in the new look are quiet subtle, we have lightened up the background colour so it is not so overwhelming, rounded off some corners, added some drop shadows and changed to using features built into the web browser to achieve these, to help improve page load speed.
It helps if each page or image is treated as its own chapter linked to the spine section (which lists the reading order) because some eReaders will try to load all of the images at once if they aren't separated.
For questions about loading our ebooks onto your eReader, see our ebook help page.
By keeping your code as short as possible, your pages will load faster and increase the likelihood that your visitors will stay on your site longer — which may help boost your search result ranking.
Tapping can also help switch pages in an e-book easily — tapping the top side of the screen loads the menu, tapping the small area on the left side moves to previous pages, and tapping the lower right area moves a page forward.
From the words you've read, the videos you've watched, the spam - free forums you've read through, to the designs of the pages and the code and server loading them when you visit - none of that could have been done without the gifted volunteers who collectively helped me create everything that these sites were.
The show is dedicated to helping authors grow their brand and career, and each episode's page comes loaded with useful links for indie authors.
In a statement posted on the official Driveclub Facebook page, developer Evolution Studios confirmed that «in order to help all DRIVECLUB players who have the game already, we're temporarily holding back the PS Plus Edition and the My DRIVECLUB app to ease the load and traffic to the servers.»
Eliminate unnecessary images, videos or buttons that take a long time to load and, if you currently operate from a remote or virtual private server (VPS), consider switching to a local server to help reduce page load times.
Page Prediction another addition, helps in predicting the contents of the webpages as they load.
Starting in EdgeHTML, Microsoft Edge supports WOFF fonts — a new format that reduces the size of a font file by more than 30 %, helping web pages load This feature is available to preview via the Windows Insider Preview... Read more
Future updates to Chrome, we've learned, will bring a new compression algorithm that will help the browser load faster pages and use less power on all platforms.
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