Sentences with phrase «to help prevent weight gain»

Proper diet will also help prevent weight gain which comes due to hormonal changes, lack of physical activity, slow metabolism, and other factors.
And even brief periods of low - to moderate - intensity exercise can help prevent weight gain in kids.
Researchers also confirmed that grapefruit may help prevent weight gain by lowering insulin levels.
This dual action can help prevent weight gain from even happening.
For these instances, it would be appropriate to take probiotics afterward even though studies have not been done yet to show if can help prevent weight gain after antibiotic use.
In fact, eating a less but more nutritious diet helps prevent weight gain.
In addition to being low in calories, vinegar might also help prevent weight gain.
Hedgehog owners can help prevent weight gain in their pets by feeding these nocturnal insectivores a balanced diet of a limited amount of pellets and insects, such as mealworms and crickets.
They add that adding the inulin - propionate ester to foods could help prevent weight gain by reducing people's appetite for high calorie foods.
Studies have found that consuming this type of fatty acid reduces appetite — which can help prevent weight gain from overeating.
Fiber - rich foods like vegetables, beans and whole grains will fill you up for fewer calories, which can help prevent weight gain — and even encourage weight loss.
Greater rise in fat oxidation with medium - chain triglyceride consumption relative to long - chain triglyceride is associated with lower initial body weight: Substituting dietary long chain triglycerides (e.g., soybean oil, safflower oil, canola oil) for medium chain triglycerides can help prevent weight gain and in some cases help reduce excess weight.
Eating more fiber can help prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss, according to research.
Whole grains can also help prevent weight gain: in one study, women who ate whole grains like wheat germ and dark bread had a 49 % lower risk of «major» weight gain over time.
Combined with calorie control, a dairy - rich diet can nearly double body - fat reduction and weight loss and help prevent weight gain, he says.
According to a 2011 study from Purdue University, capsaicin (the active component that gives chili peppers their heat) may help prevent weight gain.
WIth Australia's Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines recommending two - and a-half hours of moderate - intensity activity per week to help prevent weight gain, it's important to find ways to have your cocktail and keep active too.
Just one serving of nuts and seeds a day may help prevent weight gain and even possibly help you lose weight.
To answer that question, Holley Grainger, RD, put together a healthy meal with ingredients that can help prevent weight gain, hot flashes, osteoporosis, and more.
Combined with calorie control, a dairy - rich diet can nearly double body - fat reduction and weight loss and help prevent weight gain.
Keeping a food diary can as much as double a person's weight loss — or help prevent weight gain — according to an eye - opening study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
On top of its cardiovascular benefits, it's also been shown to help prevent weight gain and aid in weight loss.
In my opinion this one little ritual may help prevent the weight gain that is associated with lack of sleep.
Eating more fiber can help prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss, according to research.
This helps prevent weight gain and also provides the bird much - needed mental stimulation.
Indoor formulas have a lower fat content and can help prevent weight gain.
This high fiber, low calorie food fits perfectly into the rabbit diet — the fiber content will help keep food flowing properly through the cecum and intestines, and the low caloric content will help prevent weight gain, which can lead to obesity.
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