Sentences with phrase «help rational people»

No amount of patient explanation will help rational people to adopt irrational beliefs.

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Newsguy: You have an imaginary friend... seems to the rational thinking person hat you are the one requiring help.
Actually — if you take a rational look at the facts - Jack, Catholics have done more to spread peace and help people in need than any other group — that's why I'm proud to be Catholic.
No rational person would go around shooting people like this, however, Christianity isn't helping.
At other times crisis intervention is carried on by helping the person to gain cognative control of his own thought processes — by helping him to structure, to outline, to list in an organized and rational way the different elements of his life.
A God who at first glance is comparable to the picture of the Oriental ruler, who governs his people with complete arbitrariness, bound by no rational law; but a God who is conceived as wholly different from an Oriental ruler, since all physical traits are lacking, all tyrannical desires alien; a God who desires justice and righteousness and punishes sin, a God who loves His people as a father his first - born son, a God to whom the religious man ills as to his father, and in whose help he trusts in all situations of life.
mchofman, non-religious people here are trying to help others realize that it is not rational to believe in religion.
Then the lucid addition of «So Satan may not tempt you with your lack of self control» I mean one can easily make the rational assumption or argument that masturbation is a good remedy in this regard as well to help relieve the desires of the flesh that might other wise lead a married person to adultery.
-- Growth - enabling therapy and education involve helping people activate their intuitive, imaginative, right - brain capacities and integrate these with their rational, analytical, left - brain capacities.
as a rational person you can't put it on Ebron for not «helping out» the team that is cutting him by signing a contract extension that he doesn't like.
The service is completely anonymous and helps people get from an emotional peak to a calm place so they can make rational and informed decisions.
«The passion and rational that I have for all the years of being a neurosurgeon, of trying to help people - listening and helping is the same thing I'm gonna do when I get into Congress,» Maxwell said in an interview with 13WHAM News Monday.
These results suggest that Alpine skiing combined with rational strength training involves no special risk for the physical development of young people, has a positive effect on the power and the percentage of muscle mass in the legs, and helps to have a higher bone density in the lumbar spine (L2 - L4).
Only by maintaining a rational system, people are able to save enough money which helps in thinking big and creating better opportunities.
In more than 30 years as an attorney, I have helped people from varying backgrounds make rational, informed and advantageous decisions in a wide range of legal practice areas.
This Texas online course overview is designed to help people make rational decisions.
Surround yourself with positive people who will listen actively and help you develop logical and rational strategies for future communication with your spouse.
Thought stopping can help people regulate their emotions and calm down enough so that they can later re-visit the issue from a more rational approach.
This thorough explanation of attachment, bonds and the process of love can help even the most rational, engineering - minded person step a little closer to the benefits of creating emotional vulnerability with your partner.
Including: substance abuse education, nutritional support for recovery, trauma and healing, women's wellness program, grief and loss, how to say no - setting limits, GLBTQ issues and aftercare, stress reduction, conflict resolution techniques, parenting, therapeutic humor as healing.We use leading edge techniques to help people heal: Gestalt Therapy (holistic, mind / body approach), Psychodrama, Meditation, Expressive Arts Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive Reframing, Community Reinforcement, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, The Work, Therapeutic Humor, Spiritual Support.
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