Sentences with phrase «help readjusting»

Circadia then uses this information to automatically generate a personalised light therapy programme delivered by the Circadia Lamp known as the Circadia Mode helping you readjust your body clock throughout the day or when you need it the most.
If you notice some pain starting, place your hand next to baby's face and your breast skin to help them readjust.
Help him readjust his sleep schedule by gradually moving his meals and nap times earlier or shortening his nap.
If she's napping late in the day or napping too long and then having trouble falling asleep at night, help her readjust her sleep schedule by gradually moving her meals and nap times earlier or shortening her nap.
And we believe this will help them readjust to civilian life even more.»
The company has shown that these methods can quickly shift workers» rhythms for night work, as well as help them readjust to day work more quickly.
Upon arrival at your destination, you would take melatonin at your desired bedtime, and then upon your return home, you'd take it again at your regular bedtime to help readjust.
I'm glad to hear there was a happy ending... re: the camera lens, George's sniffles, and the stress - relieving (and complimentary) wine that helped readjust your well - deserved grumpy attitude!
To help you readjust your compensation metrics, I'm providing you with a list of items — in no particular order — suggesting that law firm management prioritize them according to the concerns of all firm partners, remembering that the purpose of a partnership is to support its attorneys through a lifetime of legal practice «ups» and «downs,» in an atmosphere that encourages loyalty, hard work, collaboration and team effort.

Not exact matches

This is because exposure to sunlight helps the human body readjust its circadian sleep cycle.
Uber might also refer them to organizations that help former inmates find work and readjust to life after incarceration.
One of the major impacts of the Church Union in 1970 was that we were able to break the foreign flower pots and readjusting to the new soil, struggling to take roots, searching for water, fertilizer and other such resources to grow, all helped the CNI to recognize the need for new insights, methodologies and paradigms.
The friendly visitors often helped the patient readjust in the area of his family life.
It helps us to somewhat readjust our perspective, and appreciate the warm months that follow even more (although wearing cute winter boots and sweaters is part of the cold weather charm too).
«The programme has helped me so much to readjust to civilian life,» said Jason Malloy, one participant in the programme.
But while coming home to a wife was beneficial to veterans returning to civilian life after serving in Vietnam or the Korean War / World War II era, or in periods between, being married isn't helping post-9 / 11 veterans readjust; in fact, «post-9 / 11 veterans who were married while they served had a significantly more difficult time readjusting than did married veterans of past eras or single people regardless of when they served.
Wearing your bind encourages good posture and can help minimize low back pain as your center of gravity readjusts, and helps to reduce hunching over while caring for your baby or breastfeeding.
Sore and cracked nipples are usually caused by an incorrect latch and can be helped by readjusting the baby's position on the breast.
Almost the entire year I nursed her, I did so only one from one side, which helped reduce the frequency of the mastitis somewhat, although initially it caused a lot of clogged ducts as my supply readjusted.
Unlatching and readjusting their latch, showing them what you want them to do by modeling a wide open mouth with tongue forward, and reminding them gently before each feeding session can help with this.
After you've tossed and turned, adjusted and readjusted your pillow, checked the clock again, and sufficiently groaned about your lack of sleep, what are you supposed to do that's actually going to help solve the issue?
One theory for why that happens: Reducing processed carbs, and as a result insulin levels, allows fat cells to release calories back into the bloodstream, helping to readjust the body - weight set point naturally, speculates Dr. Ludwig.
Thankfully, in between his assignments, Tony offers a sympathetic ear and the two men form a bond that will ultimately help them to readjust to «normal» life.
With the aim of bringing an end to black - on - black crime, the three devote their time to everything from disarming the revenge - minded to mentoring lost souls to consoling grieving parents to helping ex-cons readjust to civilian life.
Our Idiot Brother (R for nudity, sexuality and pervasive profanity) Paul Rudd stars as the title character of this stoner comedy about an idealistic ex-con's effort to readjust to civilian life with the help of his three sisters (Emily Mortimer, Zoe Deschanel and Elizabeth Banks) after serving time in prison for selling pot.
For those families with multiple drivers the two position memory seating will help to avoid constantly readjusting the driver's seat.
Your advice and that in the last two articles helps to readjust my mindset.
They may even be willing to readjust the terms of the car loan if it helps you continue the loan.
This slower weight reduction helps your rabbit to readjust her metabolism to this new diet.
This helps provide us with a figure that covers the amount our clients will need to readjust to life following an accident.
The funds provided by the key employee life insurance policy would help the business readjust in the event of the employees death.
A wise therapist will attempt to build good relationships with ALL parties involved in order to help the children readjust to new attitudes.
Our therapists have the insight necessary to point out where you are not connecting and help you pause, readjust and come to a shared understanding of each other's wants and needs.
While the right prescription drugs can help you sleep and deal with debilitating depression or anxiety, if your medication leaves you tired and fuzzy, it may be time to visit your doctor and readjust your medication.
Another important benefit of pre-marital counseling is to help couples develop or readjust their expectations for marriage.
Patterson - Schwartz & Assoc., in Newcastle County, is arming its salespeople with data reports to help sellers readjust their thinking on what price their home should command.
I've only been blogging for about six months (but I only count 4 really because I wasn't updating as I was readjusting to being home after my military deployment) and everything I read here is really helping me kick start my blog.
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