Sentences with phrase «help traditional classroom teachers»

A number of states are working on ways to make online courses and tools also available to help traditional classroom teachers supplement and enhance their instruction too.

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As administrators and school boards around the country consider the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Science Buddies is helping teachers begin ramping up, now, for some of the ways in which traditional classroom science projects and assignments may change.
The New York City - based foundation said it hopes its new «students at the center» grant program will help train teachers to abandon traditional 40 - minute lectures for more - active approaches in the classroom, such as problem - solving, critical thinking, and hands - on learning.
Online training might have helped us do away with the traditional classroom (and the associated rigid schedules and costs), but it was never meant to totally replace teachers.
The real challenge lies in figuring out how to deliver relevant development opportunities for teachers in order to help them with continues professional development and training for making best use of the blended learning environment and smoothing the transition process from traditional to blended classrooms.
He shows the power of interactive exercises, and calls for teachers to consider flipping the traditional classroom script — give students video lectures to watch at home, and do «homework» in the classroom with the teacher available to help.
«Connected» classrooms, which enable students and teachers to share information and collaborate using integrated systems on a school's WiFi network, are helping to transform learning across all subjects to replace more traditional teaching methods.
Regardless of whether they are Special Education IAs (providing vital services to one, two, three, four or more special education students) or Traditional IAs (helping teachers prepare and run classrooms so that all the students have the opportunity to learn), IAs are truly on the front line of enhancing educational opportunities for our children.
Pointing to an incident at P.S. 194, a traditional district school in the Harlem section of the Big Apple, where three children forced a third - grade schoolmate to perform a sexual offense — as well as the fact that one of her schools, Success Academy Harlem 5, had only one incident of reported violence compared to 92 at the traditional district school with which it shares space — Moskowitz also declares that suspensions are critical to helping teachers gain the support they need to manage their classrooms.
He argues that there is little evidence to show that traditional programs» focus on pedagogy — including classes on child development and how students learn — helps new teachers succeed in the classroom.
Unlike in a traditional classroom, in which teachers design the lessons, children in an IB classroom help direct their own learning by asking questions that might re-direct the lesson.
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