Sentences with phrase «help weary»

«We're here to help weary adoptive & foster parents find the support & validation they need to regain hope and finally stop feeling alone.»
We're here to help weary adoptive & foster parents find the support & validation they need to regain hope and finally stop feeling alone.
We're here to help weary adoptive & foster parents find the support & validation they need to regain hope and finally stop feeling alone.
This handy unit has four simple timers to help the weary and sleep - deprived remember when diapers were changed, bottles given, medication dispensed, and the times and lengths of naps.
Confessions of an Adoptive Parent — Excellent blog dedicated to helping weary adoptive & foster parents find support and validation they need to regain hope and finally stop feeling alone.

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Whether it's adjusting hotel or flight schedules, dealing with broken devices, or getting from one place to another, there's no shortage of times when the weary traveler can use a helping hand.
Instead, the ads seemed designed to sow discord and increase partisanship, perhaps revving up the weary - of - the - system sentiments that may have helped Trump with the election.
«This world - weary defeatism is self - fulfilling in its own way,» he writes, «and helps explain why Washington hasn't taken action to address the killing.»
Was someone burdens made lighter today, because I was willing to care, did the sick and the weary, get helped on their way, when they needed my help was I there?
I am weary of an American public that is all too willing to accept the lies and half - truths instead of thinking for themselves or calling themselves Christians too and are a too willing to demonize the very people they should be helping.
When I was tired, worn out, burned out on religion, I turned to this chapter of the Bible to be reminded — often daily — that Jesus gives rest to the weary and helps us to recover our true lives.
Last night, I was weary after yet another day of helping victims of clergy sexual abuse, and watching how the institutional church circles the wagons around abusive pastors and tries to destroy anyone who dares speak truth.
The true heroes, the true sheep, the true followers of Jesus, are those who give a smile to the check - out lady, a word of encouragement to the troubled, a hug to the lonely, a cup of water to the thirsty, a cup of coffee to the cold, a meal to the hungry, and helping hand to the weary.
Sometimes I get so weary all I can muster in prayer is «God, help me.»
The problem I'm facing now is that I want to invite him into my life more and more so my husband and I can help him get out of homelessness, but my husband is extremely weary.
Work Towards a Common Goal — Many people want to help someone in need, but have grown weary of appeals for money.
It appears for example in the writings of the Stoic philosopher Seneca: «Let us not grow weary of laboring for the general welfare, of helping individuals, of giving aid even to enemies.»
We tried hard to help tell the stories of our five friends in a way that would make sense to someone weary of religion but still spiritually curious.
I'm so weary of this issue and I've tried to keep quiet about it but occasionally someone hits the nail perfectly on the head and I can't help my self.
If their bodies are weary or chilled, they are much more vulnerable to illness - but the right food, proper clothing, hydration and rest can help strengthen the immune system.
It's why I turn to baby carriers to help ease the weary soul of one child while assisting with another.
Now available in 3 formats: Paperback... eBook... andVideo - enhanced - eBook «Atlong last, a book I can hand to weary parents with confidence that they canlearn to help their baby sleep - without crying it out.»
Blessed thistle stimulates the milk flow and helps restore vitality to weary mothers.
Having the focus of the pictures helps sustain interest and prevents that weary «Want to go home» whingeing or pleas of «Carry!»
thank you so much for helping tired, weary mothers like me.
Fear not, weary parents — because I know of a few quick tricks that can help you get your child to bed when they're supposed to.
Sometimes those reinforcements are a second set of hands to help me wrangle a couple of excited kiddos, but other times it's a tried and true product that's proven to calm a weary young traveler, or clean up a backseat spill like nobody's business.
And if you still feel too pooped to go out and live a life you love, try out my favorite vitamin cures, which can definitely help revive the weariest warriors:
Anti-inflammatory cucumber aids in digestion, hydrates, and helps detox winter - weary skin.
Another way to feel grounded is by kicking off your shoes, going bare foot and touching the ground (grass, sand or soil) it will change the bodies» charge, essentially by conducting these ions and it will help with releasing any stress and re-energising your weary soul.
Blessed thistle stimulates the milk flow and helps restore vitality to weary mothers.
There's a resounding impact to the sheer physicality of what we're seeing, the heaviness of Georges's weary body as he helps Ann in and out of her wheelchair, the delicate way that Riva uses one hand to put on her glasses in order to read in bed or flip through a photo album.
Her father trained Charlie back in the day... Now she helps him rebuild his robots and rest his weary bones, whenever he comes into town.
Some of those parts include Beat author Neal Cassady in Heart Beat (1980), a homeless bum who helps a dysfunctional rich family in the hit comedy Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1986), a family man attempting to come to grips with his family's traumatic past while falling in love with his therapist in The Prince of Tides (1991), a midwestern basketball coach in Blue Chips, and a world - weary detective in Mulholland Falls (1996).
Where you weary at first or did you have a connection that helped pique her interest?
When the boys agree to help shelter him, with Ellis acting as a go - between for Mud and his weary girlfriend Juniper (Reese Witherspoon), the community gradually closes in on them, taking this evocative mood piece into more generic thriller territory.
His Doak is at once scared, weary, and faintly repellent; it helps that Camp's face has a jowly weight faintly reminiscent of Arthur Kennedy gone to seed.
No longer talking to his Pop (Kris Kristofferson), not sure what to say to his daughter Cale (Dakota Fanning), weary of listening to his concerned wife (Elizabeth Shue), the gifted trainer now spends his uncommonly - good horse sense on helping other, wealthier men increase their fortunes.
Think: the floundering security agent turned away from working in the highest office, only to be trapped there in a time of crisis; the plucky child barely talking to her father, soon needing his help to survive; the weary government agent approaching his last week of service, certain to have a memorable swansong; the overworked employee forced to deal with distress on her day off; the leader lambasted for being an academic, then swiftly becoming an action hero.
Chin up, working class, beyond world - weary but tough as nails, with an undercurrent of the maternal that might reveal itself at an odd moment — like when the cancer - ridden sheriff, in the midst of interrogating her, coughs blood into her face, and as she goes for help, she comforts him, calling him baby.
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius is a morality tale disguised as Seabiscuit that's even more wearying somehow than Gary Ross's road apple horse opera (not helping is a desperate tagline: «His Passion Made Him a Legend»)-- damning Caviezel along the way as a charisma vortex as an actor, infinitely better at symbolizing than embodying.
Whether it's Taraji P. Henson as the insurance agent who helps Nick fill out his paperwork or Jonathan Banks as a world - weary underworld buddy, Term Life never fails to trot out a familiar face and give them boilerplate dialogue.
Adapted by Gaby Chiappe from the novel «Their Finest Hour and a Half» by Lissa Evans, «Their Finest» is centered on Catrin Cole (a luminous Gemma Arterton), a copywriter hired by the government to help write the «slop,» or female dialogue, for a film meant to lift the spirits of a war - weary citizenry.
Davis's lovely, loving Amelia is so recognizably wearied by her only child's erratic, sometimes violent behavior that you can not help but pity her, and sometimes fear for her, and other times fear her.
Many seasoned educators are weary of any new trend, especially if, as is true with social and emotional learning, they feel they already know and use teaching practices that help build their students» competencies in that area.
The Energize Leisure Center is open to hotel guests with state - of - the - art exercise equipment, four pools, and, to help soothe those travel - weary bones, a jacuzzi, steam room, and sauna.
He's grown weary, it would seem, and seemingly can not help but casually insult everybody he comes across, viewing them as a waste of his time and treating them as such.
The golden age of Abstract Expressionism in San Francisco occurred in the late 1940s, when a group of war - weary veterans studying on the GI Bill helped to revolutionize the American art scene.
I've spent a long time being weary of self - help and self - actualization, have acquired over the years a maybe unhealthy skepticism of transvaluation, of anything cathartic, really.
Don't be weary of sharing your personal ambitions and goals for the business with your team, often this can help galvanize them towards helping you realise these goals.
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