Sentences with phrase «helpful look»

For this, it's helpful look for a literary agent who has experience in your category or genre.
«These extras bring the messiness of the writing process into view, providing readers with inside information into aspects of a story...» (Buehler 28) Websites are a very cheap and very helpful look into what authors are currently doing and also a look at what they have already created.
(Pardon me if I leave a fuller and more helpful look to my review then.)
Frank was very personable and helpful looking for a used car for my family.
On board Facilities excellent refreshment fresh and cooked lovely presentation brilliant, Staff informative and helpful Looking forward to for my next trip on condor ferries.
But Rauseo stresses valuations are also a helpful look at how a company is faring.
The question set Zuckerberg off on a long, corrective explanation that can double as a helpful look into how Facebook thinks about making money from its popular Internet services.
AAFA's research offers different views on the impact of allergies in the U.S. Research offers a helpful look at the allergy community.
Here's a helpful look at some of the best nutrition principles that you can immediately implement into your life to begin seeing big muscle gains while losing excess fat.
I hope this has been a helpful look at the ever evolving look at the publishing options.
Here's a helpful look at their temperament, grooming needs, health, and other essential information for new owners.
Jeff Masters, the meteorologist and weather blogger over at Wunderground, has posted a helpful look at the extraordinary downpours that have ravaged various places this year, most recently Oklahoma City.
The banquet server resume sample provides a helpful look at what you should do; here are some things you should not do.
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