Sentences with phrase «helpful perspective»

Help your child to look at the situation from a more helpful perspective.
You might have already found some ways to help your child to see things from a different or more helpful perspective.
As it turns out, people have been wrestling with this text and its implications for centuries and there are many fascinating, helpful perspectives on it.
Enlisting the guidance of an outside resource can provide helpful perspective that is less emotional than those who are closest to us (although you'll need that input, too!).
It contains helpful perspective about several other early Ethereum leaders: Mihai Alisie, Charles Hoskinson, Anthony Di Iorio, Joseph Lubin.
They become helpful perspectives and resources in self - perseverance, creative visualizations, and self - awareness.
If you are depressed or dealing with painful anxiety I help you heal from past wounds and gain self confidence and a new more helpful perspective
The Whiteheads offer a helpful perspective here:
They can not help what they feel, but they can learn to put these experiences into a helpful perspective, which can help them cope with their strong feelings.
It's a helpful perspective.
Lots of parents find this tough to tackle, and a doctor may offer some helpful perspective.
It offers a helpful perspective for understanding the consequences of malnourishment during pregnancy
We don't always agree with every single piece that's here, but we find these to be helpful perspectives to consider.
Thanks for this helpful perspective, Mary!
Looking for Your First Job: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Presented by Gary Block, DVM, MS, DACVIM This webinar provides veterinary students a helpful perspective about finding their first job after graduation.
Perhaps we may even gain some helpful perspective on one of the great scientific and political controversies of our day, the question of anthropogenic climate change.
It is, however, our experience in court that allows us a helpful perspective in moving matters forward in a sensible manner.
In our view, the developments collectively known as narrative therapy offer some unique and helpful perspectives to the field of child and family therapy.
-LSB-...] In her article Living a Balanced Life [also published on Positive Psychology News Daily, and the Happiness Institute], Dana Arakawa outlines some helpful perspectives and approaches.
Dr. Warshak summarizes a helpful perspective when counseling alienated children and rejected parents, «restoration does not preclude prevention.»
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