Sentences with phrase «helping other christian»

I started this podcast because I want to help other Christian men.
Wendee, a longtime blog contributor for OnDaySix, decided to purchase the dating site from her friend and set off on a passionate journey to help other Christians find faith - based relationships.
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I started this podcast because I want to help other Christian men.
My desire is to help other Christian authors successfully publish and market their books while continuing to author, contribute to, and market multiple book marketing and faith - based books myself — and to have fun doing it!
I started this podcast because I want to help other Christian men.
I started this podcast because I want to help other Christian men.
I started this podcast because I want to help other Christian men.
I started this podcast because I want to help other Christian men.

Not exact matches

Those who speak out against abortion and family practice and at the same time support cuts in education, school lunch funding, decry reasonable control of weapons and other programs that help children can not call themselves Christians.
In Italy, many of the pope's closest advisors were Jesuits, such as Robert Leiber, his long - time private secretary and a chief mediator in the 1940 conspiracy to overthrow Hitler; Mussolini's friend Tacchi Venturi; John LaFarge, the American Jesuit who helped prepare the draft for a papal encyclical condemning anti-Semitism; Augustin Bea, the pope's confessor and later the popular Cardinal Secretary for Jewish - Christian relations; and numerous others.
The problem though with a lot of so called Christians is that they pick and choose what they want to believe, especially when it comes to helping ALL of Humanity because it includes other social economic groups or other races.
The Christian Right wants public money to be used for private religious education (vouchers), buildings and services to be used for private religious purposes (this article), and they want subsidies in the form of tax breaks, special exemptions of other sorts, and they even want to destroy Aid to Needy Families so they can drive people into seeking help at their private religious «missions» where you are not allowed to eat unless you are a Christian, and so on.
The Christian faith and the other faiths that believe in a loving, peaceful God (including much of the Islamic world) have reached out into our communities to help people — helping first and preaching God's love by example.
They will need other, more experienced Christians to help them grow.
I don't know any Christians that act that way — they're pretty engaged in helping others in substantive ways.
I'm a Christian who doesn't yell at anyone, helps others as much as I can and is moderate in everything.
A Catholic charity has provided # 180,000 so nuns helping displaced Christians and others in Kurdistan... More
It is what has lead me to my veiw that Atheism as a religion, the passion most Atheist have for their point of view from the start you may not fall in this category but I'm sure you know someone that does.The same applies to Christians that freak out on someone and start forcing their view on others, I see that as wrong also if someone asks or brings the debate to you then by all means debate but why be rude how does it help?
The problem, mique, is that the Christians (and some other religions) believe that your actions or lack of action (e.g., not properly worshiping their deity) can anger their god and bring his collective punishment upon everyone, so they think it's their civic duty to help you see the light and to legislate their ideas so that all must follow their ways (of course, history shows they can't even agree among themselves what those ways are).
I'm currently reading the book, When bad Christians happen to Good people bc i've been there & have come full circle... Life church helped me to see that many of us mistakenly put our faith in other Christians instead of God, but pple are sinners & will fail us at some point.
Maybe this will help: Christians witness to others out of love.
A Christian from Sierra Leone who helps former child soldiers and victims of Ebola has addressed the Queen and thousands of others at a service in Westminster Abbey.
It's been revealed Israel is helping Kenya to build that will protect Christians and other citizens from terrorism.
With the help of aid agencies such as Christian Aid, Tearfund and many others, families are more likely to survive conflict and to get back on their feet once the fighting is over.
The one that comes to mind (perhaps my Christian brothers and sisters here can help me recall some others) is 2 Sam.
I myself am a Christian and when I go to mass every Sunday I am taught that our place in Heaven is earned by helping others in need (to clothe the naked, visit the imprisoned, feed the starving etc), Jesus was a man who shunned nobody and welcomed everybody who was willing to follow him.
Most Christians don't understand how others might see it as hate when they make the claim that their heaven & heII exists and that those not invited to heaven are going to go to heII to be tormented and tortured for eternity and the only way to salvation is to accept their God as your Lord and Savior... They think to themselves that they are just trying to help by condemning those they dislike and who don't worship the same way they do, but that doesn't change it from what it is, «hate filled».
Instead, the shelves are pregnant with self help, how to,» What God really wants from you», and a plethora of other whimsical nonsense providing me with the «key» to a successful christian life.
SisterChromatid - your missing my point I am not trying to trample anyone else s free speech, I just personally think it could have been said differently, what they said makes them appear like the self righteous ones and that helps no one, as someone who is spiritual and gay I have been judged by both Christians and atheists alike, one says I am going to hell the other says I'm a nutjob, when does it stop?
You know nothing of the contributions of the Christians out there using their hands to help others.
They use Christian teaching and other therapeutic programmes as well as taking part in work around the house they stay in to help residents break free from their addictions.
It sounds like he's trying to help others be better Christians - not you I'm sure.
Atheists (not all just as not all christians preach) that try to spread their beliefs to others do so with similar ideas of helping people free themselves from they view as mentally oppressive.
There are numerous other Scriptures which help answer the question of whether or not a Christian can be demon - possessed (cf. Col 1:13; 1 John 2:13; 2 Cor 6:15 - 16).
The concept that a so called god helps some but not others, when both equally worship said god, causes Christians to change the subject!
Not to be a jerk or anything, but if it were the other way around, and a man lost his job running an athiest group, because he found God, Christians would more than likely aid him, and athiests would accuse those helping him, of only doing so for the medias attention.
The promotion of missions and other popular programmes in parishes and in the workplace can help the faithful to rediscover the gift of baptismal faith and the task of giving witness, knowing that the Christian vocation «by its very nature is also a vocation to the apostolate».
The WEA plans to «help and train our people to overcome prejudices against other Christian traditions and not to confuse things from the past with present realities,» secretary general Efraim Tendero said.
I work hard, I pay my taxes, I donate to charities, I help people, I take showers, mow my yard and so on just like all the other productive people of society that are both atheist and christian.
The president - elect spoke by phone with Hunter and other Christian ministers, rejoicing in victory but also grieving the death of his grandmother, who helped raise him, just a few days earlier.
He has already shown that Christians are hypocrites and that atheists DO help other people.
Premier Christianity is your source of unique Christian content to help you go deeper in your faith, engage with the Church, tackle current issues from a Christian perspective and be inspired by the faith stories of others.
The article concludes: «For those Christians opposed to elective abortion, however, the issue becomes complicated because of the laudatory goals of those trying to help persons suffering from diabetes, Parkinson's, and other diseases.
They support working with other Christians wherever that helps to further God's work in the world.
Although acknowledging that pastoral counseling had the same ultimate aim as other dimensions of pastoral work — that of bringing people to Christian faith and the Christian fellowship, where those goals were «relevant» — Hiltner defined the special aim of pastoral counseling in more flexible terms, virtually indistinguishable from those of secular counseling: «The attempt by a pastor to help people help themselves through the process of gaining understanding of their inner conflicts» (Pastoral Counseling, 1949).
The Church of England in its report Faith in the City and in other reports has shown considerable awareness of social problems and some Christians have taken effective and imaginative action to help those in need in Britain and abroad, through bodies such as Shelter, Crisis or Christian Aid.
Some Christians had welcomed them hospitably and helped them on their way, but others who were hostile to the Elder had refused to receive them and had threatened any who did so with exclusion from the church.
Just as the sandals helped keep the soldier on his feet in battle, being prepared to share the Gospel with others will help you stay on your feet as a Christian.
Other disciplines must provide help in the analysis of the concrete situation within which Christians are called to act.
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