Sentences with phrase «helps challenge the assumption»

These speeches will help you challenge your assumptions, believe in yourself and push you to be the best leader you can possibly be.

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To lead us in these conversations we have recently invited some of the best up - and - coming thinkers and practitioners to help us dig deep into loving debates that challenge common assumptions and affirm uncommon insight.
The churches at this point have a great responsibility not to advocate over-all idealistic solutions but to emphasize the distinctively Christian message that is relevant to these issues, to help their members to see the world without the characteristic American ideological blinders, to challenge many of the prevailing assumptions about the cold war and nuclear armaments, and to encourage the debate on public questions about which most people prefer to be silent.
Educating yourself and developing a healthy perspective can help facilitate challenging the assumptions and stereotypes that can surround adoption.
She joins Marti for this lively discussion about youth sports, questioning many assumptions, calling out unhelpful parental behavior and challenging us to step up and use proven approaches to help our children reap optimal benefits of organized sports.
The results of a large - scale survey of venom variation in the two snake species, published January 8, 2015 in the journal Genetics, challenge common assumptions in venom evolution research, provide crucial information for rattlesnake conservation, and will help coral snake antivenom development.
Such a network can help leaders promote a culture of change, challenge assumptions and encourage divergent points of view.
These students will ask the unexpected questions, challenge fundamental assumptions and will help tackle the most difficult scientific problems.»
TS: As I've told you before, Kam, I think information is power, and I see my platform as one which gives me the opportunity to challenge people to reexamine the assumptions they hold, and to help them expand their inventory of ideas.
The different ideas that I've engaged in have helped me challenge and re-examine many of my own assumptions about school leadership and education.
The use of metaphors helps students gain new insights and challenge assumptions.
Woven into this highly personal narrative about a boy's journey from silent sidekick to hero are themes that translate to public education: the challenges of finding the right school or instructional method to meet a student's individual needs; the impact of social stigmas on expectations and performance, particularly for «discarded students» in low - income neighborhoods, and the need for a culture of high expectations to counter those negative societal assumptions; the importance of tireless, focused, caring teachers who do whatever it takes to help students succeed; and the ability for all children — regardless of learning challenges or race or income level — to learn.
The preservice teachers indicated that their experiences were positive, that digital sources had great potential for elementary classroom use in providing students with multiple perspectives, and that they gave the teacher an opportunity to make history real, challenge assumptions, and foster inquiry, as well as help the students to understand the content more clearly.
Nationwide and in states, organizations are providing an unprecedented number of tools and services to help increase understanding and awareness and challenge many myths and false assumptions that often characterize many state and local debates.
Eliminating prejudice and challenging assumptions (not all small press or self - pubbed covers look like they were done in MS Paint, btw) and reaching out more to one another might help change all of publishing for the better.
Climate knowledge is growing rapidly now and while there still remain some interesting challenges to the status quo on certain points (for example, exactly how it is that CO ₂ and CH ₄ started rising some 5000 years ago, if not by human impacts, or how it is that humans overwhelmed expected gradual declines and added enough to achieve those rises that far back) that need further research... the very conservative consensus, which must be conservative by its nature since it takes time for consensus to develop as further research helps to close gaps and remove or improve assumptions, is always playing catch - up it seems.
We will work with you to explore blind spots, challenge limiting assumptions, reframe beliefs, define career direction and goals and help you build practices to sustain new behaviors.
Through CDE, Dr. Gordon continues to pursue research that challenges his own assumptions and strives to find best - practices that continue to (a) help families reduce their conflict, and (b) help courts by providing families with tools that are proven to shift re-litigation rates and improve communication and interaction.
Individual therapy in Bethesda MD helps people challenge mistaken assumptions about forgiveness and learn to recover from profound emotional injuries — even when the offender is unwilling or unable to participate in the healing process.
Challenging unhelpful attitudes If you challenge unhelpful assumptions and attitudes, it can help rainbow and same - sex families feel supported and included.
They explore dozens of questions that light fires under people, challenge their assumptions, help them see problems in productive new ways, and inspire them to bare their souls (which, of course, strengthens the bonds in the relationship).
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