Sentences with phrase «hematoma surgeries»

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You also need to accept the general risks of surgery and anesthetic, reduced sensation in your nipples, hematomas, capsular contracture and discomfort.
Hematomas: A hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin from trauma or surgery.
The study compared 20 patients hospitalized for surgery of chronic subdural hematoma — a serious form of intracranial bleeding — with 20 healthy volunteers.
Surgery of an acute subdural hematoma followed by intensive care and rehabilitation involve major costs and can cause significant suffering to patients and relatives.
He then developed a hematoma on his neuter site and had to have an additional surgery to correct it.
A CT scan revealed that I had two subdural hematomas — masses of blood on the surface of my brain that apparently had developed after my tumble in the park — and required immediate surgery.
As long as the underlying causes of the ear hematoma are addressed and the surgery done appropriately, most pets don't suffer recurrences of the ear hematoma in the same ear, although many pets can develop ear hematomas at a future date in the other ear often from these underlying allergies.
Abdominal surgery * Abdominal port placement for chronic effusions Adrenal gland removal Bladder (stone removal, masses) * Colon surgery Cryptorchidism * Diaphragmatic hernia Ectopic ureter Exploratory laparotomy * Gallbladder (removal vs. re-routing) Hemoabdomen (internal bleeding) * Incontinence treatment * Intestinal obstruction (foreign bodies) * Intestinal surgery * Kidney surgery Liver biopsy, including «keyhole» liver biopsy Liver surgery Megacolon Pancreas surgery Pleuro - Peritoneal Diaphragmatic Hernia (PPDH) Prophylactic gastropexy («twisted stomach» or bloat or GDV prevention) * Prostate surgery Spleen removal (splenectomy, bleeding masses) * Stomach surgery (foreign bodies) * Urethra surgery Uterus infection (pyometra) * Thoracic surgery (thoracotomy) Chylothorax Esophagus surgery Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Persistent Right Aortic Arch (PRAA) Pleural port placement for fluid buildup Lung surgery, including «keyhole» lung biopsy Pyothorax Head and neck surgery Cheiloplasty (for excessive drooling) Cleft palate Ear and throat polyps in cats * Ear hematoma * Elongated soft palate Everted laryngeal saccules Eye and eyelid surgery * Facial fold removal Laryngeal paralysis («Tie back») Lateral Bulla Osteotomy (LBO) Lateral ear resection Oro - nasal fistula Para-thyroid gland removal Salivary gland surgery (mucocele, sialocele) Stenotic nares (narrow nostrils) Thyroid gland removal (cat or dog) Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) Ventral Bulla Osteotomy (VBO)
An aural hematoma, as it's known, often requires surgery to correct.
About six weeks later he had emergency surgery for a subdural hematoma
Laser surgery is available for most procedures where decreasing pain, swelling and bleeding is helpful including: spays, neuters, growth removals, and ear hematomas.
If the hematoma is not so big as to obstruct the ear canal, thus preventing medication of the ear canal, the option to forgo surgery exists; but without surgery, the ear may scar down into an abnormal appearance.
Hi my French bulldog puppy had a hematoma removed, near his penis when he was eight weeks old, ever since he is being passing blood on the stool, took him back to same vet office twice after the surgery, explained to the vet.
As with people, brain surgery is performed on animals for a variety of ailments, including surgical removal of brain tumors, correction of brain anomalies (e.g., Chiara - like malformation), removal of blood clots (e.g. subdural hematoma) and placement of shunts in patients with hydrocephalus.
Beyond spays and neuters we also perform extensive soft tissue surgeries including but not limited to c - sections, pyometras, tumor removal, laceration repair, foreign body removals, aural hematoma repair, entropion, and intestinal resections.
Symptoms of vWD can include any of the following: • Hemorrhagic diarrhea (bloody stools) • Hematuria (blood in the urine) • Recurrent shifting lameness from bleeding in the joints • Bleeding from gums, noses, ears, vagina or penis • Prolonged bleeding when nails are trimmed too short • Prolonged estrus, excessive or lengthy bleeding after whelping • Still births with evidence of hemorrhage (puppies will exhibit excessive cord bleeding or may have a blue color in the abdominal area • Hematomas or blood blisters resulting from minor injury • Severe bleeding from even minor surgery
Healing times are generally longer than spay or neuter surgery to ensure that the hematoma does not recur.
It turned out that he required two surgeries for a hematoma.
The veterinarians at Arvada West Veterinary Hospital offer many routine surgery options such as: • Spays • Neuters • Growth / mass removals • Biopsies • Treatment of ear hematomas • Extra-Capsular Stabilization (treatment for ruptured cruciate ligaments)
Doctors were have to perform a second surgery to remove the transvaginal mesh implant, as well as dealing with infections, absesses, hematomas, and more that resulted from the mesh implant.
Half of all patients with severe TBI need surgery to remove or repair ruptured blood vessels (hematomas) or bruised brain tissue (contusions).
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