Sentences with phrase «hemoglobin molecule»

A "hemoglobin molecule" is a tiny structure found in our red blood cells that carries oxygen from our lungs to the rest of our body. It helps transport oxygen and removes waste products like carbon dioxide, allowing our cells to function properly. Full definition
All the data supported the conclusion that the T. rex fossil contained fragments of hemoglobin molecules.
More specifically, hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells exhibit different magnetic properties depending on the amount of oxygen they contain.
Turning off a gene called BCL11A in mice with sickle cell (right) disease helps them to produce red blood cells (left) with working hemoglobin molecules.
The team went on to demonstrate that the mended cells could make a functioning hemoglobin molecule, which carries oxygen in normal red blood cells, and then successfully transplanted the stem cells into mice.
This homozygous defect causes hemoglobin molecules to stick together, deforming red blood cells into a characteristic «sickle» shape.
Once in the bloodstream, they bind to hemoglobin molecules within red blood cells causing the hemoglobin to precipitate onto the cell membrane.
I have asked a company in california to manufacture a working hemoglobin molecule, as a training aid for a laboratory in canada: one working molecule, that snaps open and shut between the oxygenated and non-oxygenated states.
The disease results from a single mutation in the gene that codes for one of the protein chains that make up the hemoglobin molecule.
Using VCell, a biologist can predict what happens when a certain drug encounters a filtration cell in the kidney, for example, or how a hemoglobin molecule in a red blood cell deals with a spike in carbon dioxide.
In 1954 molecular biologist Anthony C. Alison had surmised that alterations in the hemoglobin molecule protected against death from malaria.
By forcing adult mice with sickle cell disease to produce a fetal version of the hemoglobin molecule that carries oxygen in blood, a research team has eliminated symptoms of disorder in the animals.
A hemoglobin molecule has two sub-units commonly referred to as alpha and beta...
Iron: As part of the hemoglobin molecule, iron is vital for healthy blood; iron also forms an essential part of many enzymes.
Often it is a single atom of a trace mineral, incorporated into a complex protein, that gives the compound its specific characteristic — iron as a part of the hemoglobin molecule, for example, or a trace mineral as the distinguishing component of a specific enzyme.
If you are not sure, red blood cells need iron to carry and distribute oxygen around the body by way of the hemoglobin molecule.
The DPG enzyme supports the release of oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule so that it can be used by the cell.
Interestingly, the chlorophyll molecule in plants and the «heme» portion of the hemoglobin molecule in humans are almost identical.
Iron makes up the central component of each hemoglobin molecule, and the presence of iron proves essential for oxygen binding and transport.
Like Iron, which is a critical mineral in nutrition as it forms part of the hemoglobin molecule.
Part of the hemoglobin molecule is recycled to the bone marrow to be incorporated into new red blood cells (also called erythrocytes or RBCs).
Cats are significantly more sensitive to the effects of onions and garlic because their hemoglobin molecules are more sensitive to the sulfur compounds.
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