Sentences with phrase «herbivore prey»

In the wild, dogs often will get their plant nutrients from their herbivore prey, although our beloved pets will snack graciously on various fruits and vegetables to get carbs, fiber and other nutrients.
Saber - toothed cats that roamed Los Angeles 12,000 years ago had many injuries to their shoulders and backbones that likely occurred when they killed large herbivore prey such as bison and horses, UCLA biologists report in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Trophic cascades in which a top predator controls its herbivore prey via top - down forces will therefore always have an odd number of trophic levels.
The researchers built a complex series of mathematical models to recreate the dynamic interaction between the main potential drivers of extinction (dingoes, climate and humans), the long - term response of herbivore prey, and the viability of the thylacine and devil populations.
By comparing the isotopic ratios of nitrogen and carbon in the lions» remains with that of contemporary lions, humans and herbivore prey, Justin Yeakel of the University of California, Santa Cruz, estimates the lions ate around 35 people.
They expected that their measurements would confirm the intuitive hypothesis that the brains of carnivores should have more cortical neurons than the herbivores they prey upon.

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Parks were in slightly better shape for lion prey, with around 45 % of surveyed protected areas conserving herbivores at over 50 % of their carrying capacity.
That could mean the Cretaceous - period herbivore was a target for predators that relied on sight more than smell to find prey.
Fossil evidence suggests its prey included Argentinosaurus, a 125 - foot - long herbivore.
«Predator numbers were severely depleted in heavily fished areas, while smaller prey fish such as damselfish, and herbivores such as parrotfish, had increased greatly in number having been released from predation.»
Not only will animals have to move, but they'll also need to track changes in the environment and food, such as specific prey for carnivores and the right plants for herbivores.
Plants form the basis of the food chains and are consumed by herbivores, which in turn serve as prey for the carnivores.
As small omnivores and herbivores, Captorhinus and its relatives had to scrounge for food while avoiding being preyed upon by large meat - eating amphibians and ancient relatives of mammals.
Plant modification occurs when herbivores manipulate their plant prey to increase feeding.
Vocabulary Reviewed: Classification Kingdom Phylum Invertebrate Vertebrate Class Adaptations Food web Food chain Predator Prey Carnivore Herbivore Producers Consumers Internal Anatomy terms - gonads, brain, heart, ink sac, gills, pen, eye lens External Anatomy terms - mantle, eye, siphon, arms, tentacles, sucker cups, chromatophores, fin, mouth, beak Includes step by step directions as well as photos for the squid dissection and squid races.
Words included: food chain, producer, consumer, scavenger, decomposer, vertebrate, invertebrate, predator, prey carnivore, herbivore, omnivore, heterotroph, autotroph, population, ecosystem, biosphere, biome, community, species, habitat, biotic, abiotic, organism
The type of prey wolves tend to hunt are generally herbivores so, in consuming the stomach contents of their prey, wolves do end up eating some plant material.
Dogs and cats evolved killing prey, including herbivores (or plant - eating animals), and eating the stomach contents of their prey.
In fact, one of the first parts of prey that wolves and other wild canids often eat before peripheral muscle are portions of the intestinal tract, which (since their prey are usually herbivores) tend to be full of partially digested carbohydrates.
They decided that meant there was just as much evolutionary pressure on herbivores to develop the brain power to escape when being hunted as there was on hunters to capture prey.
In the study, researchers were trying to determine the relationship between brain size and the number of neurons a species has, and to confirm the hypothesis that carnivores have more neurons than the herbivores that they prey upon.
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