Sentences with phrase «herd mentality»

So what you see is the weird effect of herd mentality where everyone runs toward the same thing.
The hardest part for most companies is getting your first 1 - 2 investments as there is a strong herd mentality from angels.
Kids are likely to encounter fewer problems with social media if they're past the worst of the middle school herd mentality.
So to be successful, you have to be able to understand herd mentality.
A strong herd mentality can even affect financial professionals.
«There is some... herd mentality in hedge fund land,» says Jonathan Liggett, a financial advisor who helps clients pick hedge funds.
Prices had skyrocketed in a short period of time, the media was rampant with herd mentality including messages that «this time is different» and we were experiencing a «new paradigm».
I view this quote as pointing to two important points: the first is the need to avoid herd mentality when it comes to investing, and the second is to always be looking for opportunities while investing in the stock market.
For Thiel, a contrarian by nature who later became a hedge fund manager, startup founder, and venture capitalist — all posts requiring an ability to reject herd mentalities, shun market bubbles, and seize overlooked opportunities — Girard's analysis of man's unconscious compulsion to imitate his fellow man was compelling.
One of those inefficiencies includes finding overly bullish or overly bearish sentiment in a security, which often reflects herd mentality and causes investors to put down their guard.
«We believe that over time the negative herd mentality will dissipate.»
Another common bias is called herd mentality, which was on full display on October 19, 1987 (a.k.a. Black Monday), as investors charged out of the market and stocks fell by more than 20 percent — the largest one - day drop in history.
«The central bank, if necessary, is fully capable of stabilising the exchange rate through direct intervention in the foreign exchange market to avoid [the] herd mentality resulting in irrational movements of the rate,» Ma was quoted as saying by the official Xinhua news agency.
We also have a natural herd mentality and if an observation or perception is repeated often enough in a mantra - like fashion it somehow becomes a «truth» and it then becomes very difficult to persuade people that all may not be quite as it appears.
HERD MENTALITY Duck - billed dinosaurs lived together in multigenerational herds in the Arctic, thousands of new tracks in Alaska suggest.
When it has to do with fashion, you've got to renounce the common herd mentality.
While railing against government hypocrisy, religious ignorance, and media - reinforced herd mentality, Bill found transcendence through substance use, which nearly destroyed him (when asked why he ultimately quit drugs, he'd respond that «once you've been taken aboard a UFO, it's kind of hard to top that»).
Nevertheless, if I took heed that there might be herd mentality inflating a bubble, I'm well and truly swept up in it and that just makes me think «more manic `.
It seems that the market is exhibiting herd mentality when it comes to buying CBA shares.
We really have to use logic and counter-intuitive or «contrarian'thinking to profit off of the weak - minded herd mentality that dominates most traders» minds.
«That you're surrendering to herd mentality saying you have to like a game if it's hard because if you don't, that makes you a pussy.
AND welcome to the Insider's new (and FREE to read) Legal Tech Startup Directory — 18 pages of listings and analysis on over 50 innovative companies who have broken with the law firm herd mentality and are set to change the face of legal practice in the UK, Europe, US and APAC regions.
«But there's this herd mentality at that end of the market.
«There's this herd mentality in our field where investors run to two or three themes a year, so it could develop into a bubble in that particular sector.»
«I don't think there's a bubble, but I think there's this herd mentality that is a little big dangerous,» said Anna Fang, CEO of ZhenFund.
Shortly thereafter, I ditched the herd mentality and returned to working in a world of suits wearing my boots and made my website, marketing materials and message reflect my authentic self.
Capitalize on opportunities beyond the headlines and the herd mentality with news from Brian Sullivan and Amanda Drury.
Equity analysts charged with evaluating publicly traded companies can fall victim to herd mentality, and by slapping a «sell» rating on a company or issuing a critical report, an analyst risks getting cut off by management.
Similar to the herd mentality, everyone becomes the same and follows the same path.
The second culprit in hedge funds» underperformance is their tendency toward a herd mentality.
Stories in the press that play on the themes of an event, scarcity, herd mentality and prestige can create desire.
To bring the profit picture into tighter focus, Fortune spoke to a number of market experts with strong academic credentials — all of whom are largely unswayed by the herd mentality of Wall Street.
During periods of market downturn, for instance, investors tend to have a herd mentality of shying away even from investments that are fundamentally sound, driving down their prices.
What China has brought to the Hong Kong stock market is «very much a herd mentality,» said Andrew Clarke, the head of trading in Hong Kong at the Mirabaud Group.
One trader has described the behavior as «very much a herd mentality
Independent thinking will always outperform the herd mentality.
Imagine doing a search for «mortgage rates» and seeing pictures of your friends next to only one of the eight to ten ads Google serves up — the combination of social proof and herd mentality are incredibly strong psychological factors to resist.
Given the herd mentality of investors, you should never attempt to raise money by purchasing or collating a mailing list of VC firms or angel investor groups and then just mailing a proposal in the hopes someone will contact you to set up a meeting.
The herd mentality is back.
I see $ 60 by year end if OPEC extends and rebalancing continues... world demand just keeps rising despite green tech efforts... geopolitical risk is rising as well... shale investors are cooling on their herd mentality....
To achieve the milestone, the couple made a habit of tracking their money and resisting the herd mentality — otherwise known as FOMO, or fear of missing out — particularly when it came to buying a house, something many of their fellow 30 - something friends felt seemingly obligated to do.
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