Sentences with phrase «here about politicians»

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There's nothing «progressive» going on here; it's just politicians not giving a crap about our troubled fiscal accounts.»
As Mark Zuckerberg testifies to Congress about Facebook's privacy failures, here's a wholesale solution for politicians to consider.
Here is what energy industry executives, progressive advocates and opposition politicians had to say about the Royalty Review panel report released on Friday, Jan. 29, 2016:
I suspect that in India — as opposed to here in Canada — the Trudeau Family's effort to go full Bollywood will be viewed more kindly by ordinary citizens who hear about it, as an eccentric but friendly gesture, not the grave insult Conservative politicians and Canadian pundits are trying to spin it into.
Here is what energy industry executives, environmental leaders and opposition politicians had to say about today's climate change announcement:
poor this rich that church here politics there why argue about church an politics its the same funny how people loose there jobs but churches an politicians pockets keep getting bigger but nobodys crying about bet that new guchi shirt impressed the preachers wife you wore on sunday but you argue for the poor, ol lutz says 25 k die a day well then why worry about charitys they collect 10,25 % just like churches an line thier pockets, so why argeu you stoopid sheep
It is only the luckiest of politician who can put his ideas through without opposition — and here we are talking about theocratic laws — with all opposition deemed «racism»!!
Here we have a topic that has nothing to do with atheism, god, etc; we're merely talking about a politician and why we disagree with her policies, past and potential damage to Congress.
Now I won't pause for too long here on the irony of Nigel Farage, of all people, complaining about other politicians using fear and dodgy claims to swing votes.
I must admit, it stretches incredulity that Labour should get all worked up about a politician «lying» - this is not to defend Hague from what he may or may not have done, but to point out that there is an (ever - present) case of Pot Kettle Black here, for which reason the narrative is unlikely to gain much traction beyond titillating SW1 and its acolytes.
See also Sandi's previous pieces on A Politician's Role in the Twitterverse here, here and here, as well as a few more thoughts about PopVox.
Here we begin to encounter party loyalties, with Conservative voters being the most prescriptive about moral standards for politicians, but also the most positive about the basic decency and honesty of «most politicians».
The other bizarre thing about politicians at Hay is something Robin Cook pointed out when he was here way, way back, after he'd resigned.
Upstate has heard decades of b.s. by politicians about increasing jobs here.
It's amazing that no one else here has actually commented on what she was trying to say - only slinging mud back and forth about politicians.
Affordable housing, actually, the major issue in New York City, something we don't fortunately have to deal with here but that's something I hear about constantly,» Hochul said before joining a group of Tonawanda politicians aboard the Niagara River cruise ship «Grand Lady.»
We hear politicians in Washington and Albany talk about crippling debt that is being passed on to our children and grandchildren; not here in Oneida County.
What we must point out is that when people in leadership are simply not here every day, and that goes for bank presidents (which we used to have a few of around here) as well as politicians, important decisions that affect our lives get made by people who don't see the conditions they are deciding about.
We're doing well with the economy we've got a good set of messages but they're all about your head and what people are worried about here [in Thurrock, where Doyle - Price is MP], you'll hear people talking about immigration, they say to us we've not done enough about immigration, we've not done enough about welfare, actually we've done a lot, but what we need to do is talk in a narrative that people understand and can engage with because too often our political debate looks managerial and bland and that's why people here don't think that politicians speak for them.
Here, he blends a smattering of historical details about the Nobel Prize - winning Chilean poet - politician Pablo Neruda with imaginative elements in a beguiling style.
Here are some more great questions for policy makers from Diane Ravitch («Do politicians know anything about schools and education?
Sad but true: States have dumb laws (created by dumb politicians), and this extends to the realm of pet ownership; here are a dozen about our four - legged friends.
Man with «passion» that is displayed on this site, I see future, heads of companies, politicians etc.... Oh wait we're just talking about video games here, nevermind.
Some are worried about the ramifications about politicians getting involved here.
If you read it you will notice that the task force study it to be turned in a year after this proposed bill takes effect (Oct. 1st, 2013, the study to be completed by 2014) but here's an idea for the genius politician who is doing this — how about you do the study first and then take actions based upon that before coming to the final conclusion (that arcade light - gun games are turning our kids into blood - thirsty killers) and passing a law that will most certainly harm small businesses in its wake.
I know some here will decry that I am not talking about the issues because I do not try to obsfuscate with a discussion of the spot market price of coal vs long - term contracts, or use of coal in locations other than Kansas, or Al Gore's footprint, but the issue of Global Warming IS politics (non-ratification of Kyoto and negative flag - waving ads about politicians who oppose coal), it IS public relations («Clean Coal», cleanest coal - fired plants, surface mining and mountain - top reoval rather than strip mining, etc.), and it IS about misrepresentation (Peobody framing the debate as coal vs NG when it is really coal vs every other energy source), and it IS about greed (the coal industry doing everything it can to scuttle every other energy alternative).
After hearing from the totally independent and unbiased politicians and think tankers, it's about time the fossil fuel industry perspective was offered here today.
Politicians here and abroad who vote for cap and trade or a carbon tax rightly fear being tossed out of office by voters who know more about the issue than they do.
(Which then would, by not outright «denying» as do some wildly misinformed politicians who don't know the slightest bit about the science, make the questionable «denier» term inapplicable here -, but «skeptic» is highly misleading, and naysaying might sound negative, so,..
So, we're very pleased to be part of this coalition, and very excited about the leadership that is coming from below and very hopeful that as Jim has said, politicians from the top will take notice, and I call on President Bush — right here, right now — to make this initiative part and parcel of this year's State of the Union Address and at the top of his agenda, and that of the Congress in 2006.
Taken together, the planet levers laid out here give us many opportunities to get serious about climate change without getting bogged down by the distraction of old climate debates or standing by and waiting for politicians.
They really need to know about protecting data via encryption, and the technical community tries to help via events like «Cryptoparties», as describe here by Rick Falkvinge That's easily enough for most people, including politicians (like Rick), but other need to verge on paranoia.
The politicians here in Miami are all psyched about getting them and if there are any politicians that can get a deal done, its the slimy politicians in Miami.
Here's what Johnson says about some politicians.
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