Sentences with phrase «heresy because»

He was never excommunicated in life time, nor was he later charged with heresy because of his eschatology.
This soul - saving Christianity is an anti-biblical heresy because it takes no account of God's responsibility for healing and feeding the body and mind.
Patriarch Nestorius preached that Mary was not Mother of God but the Council of Ephesus in 431AD condemned this Heresy because the Gospels tell us that the Word did not UNITE with man but was MADE man.
Bishop Righter's defense lawyer, however, insisted that there is no question of heresy because in fact the Episcopal Church has no authoritative teaching on these matters, and therefore Righter can only be guilty of bending the rules of procedure.

Not exact matches

But «those who decline because they are already certain such a bitumen bubble does not exist, or believe that merely asking such a question amounts to heresy, or puts the «national interest» on trial,» show they are unwilling to «dare, dig in, and do their job.»
He was certainly found guilty of blasphemy and heresy, which is absolutely right, because if what your book says is true then he deserved death, but the only way that would happen is under Roman law, from Pilate.
A whole denomination was named for him (in the English speaking world) because of the convenience of label, orginally just describing a new «heresy».
LifeWay warns Miller's readers to exercise discernment because it believes his books to be inconsistent with historical evangelical theology in some way, yet instead of refusing to sell them, LifeWay chooses to profit from what it alleges to be heresy (ish).
The phrase «heresy trial» is favored by the press, of course, because in the American ethos of tolerance it creates strong sympathy for the dissenter putatively oppressed by an ecclesiastical establishment.
I'd like to add to my last comment that first the myth that darwin became a christian and gave up his own theory is most likely fiction and propaganda for christians to call heresy on a christian boogeyman, but secondly in that myth it says that darwin renounced his own theory on his deathbed, thats what cari believes in refutation, but just because you might disbelieve a theory you came up with doesn't make the theory wrong.
There are Christians in the US who think heresy and blasphemy should carry the death penalty, because it says so in the Bible.
In 189 AD, assertion of the primacy of the Church of Rome may be indicated in Irenaeus of Lyons's Against Heresies (3:3:2): «With [the Church of Rome], because of its superior origin, all the churches must agree... and it is in her that the faithful everywhere have maintained the apostolic tradition.»
I doubt we'll ever know how many atheists have ever existed, because pretending belief was a lot safer in a world where not believing could get you killed for heresy.
It is wrong to say that heresy and heretics do n`t exist, because the Bible clearly talks about heresy, heresies, heretics, false teachers, false teachings etc..
Perhaps I should have said it was a Catholic Tradition for almost 400 years, because there were many heresies that the early Church had to contend with.
Let me suggest another: these heresies are finding a resurgence because too many Protestants misunderstand the Reformation doctrine of sola scriptura.
I know this statement sounds like a heresy for many people, because they misunderstand me.
Russell was the firs person to change the plain meaning of that, Irenaeus said in Against Heresies «nowing Jesus Christ to be one and the same, to whom the gates of heaven were opened, because of His taking upon him flesh; who shall also come in the same flesh in which he suffered, revealing the glory of the Father»
During the Ottoman rule Muslim culture declined in Egypt because of the belief of the rulers that the study of philosophy, geography, mathematics, and related fields would lead to heresy.
Oh that's right it was all burned in one big fire under the orders of the Catholic priest Diego de Landa, because he thought the Mayans needed Jesus, and all other writngs were heresy.
The early Church heresy of Gnosticism tried to escape the reality of Jesus» incarnate form, because the heretics felt that earthly matter was too debased for God to touch.
That heresy comment is funny to me — because I genuinely do respect heretics.
Of these contemporary heresies, civil religion, or what Douthat terms «political theology,» emerges as perhaps the most heretical betrayal of Christianity because it encourages Americans to believe that patriotism is, in its essence, a Christian enterprise.
but on the third day using his Power of Resurrection rose from the dead to claim his seat next to God in heaven, I mean next to himself since he was also God and then told the masses that he died for their sins, though oddly enough being God he could have simply absolved them of their sins and he really didn't die because he lives and is coming back to judge man based upon the original sins... but not sure if that would work since man can clearly kill a God with wood and nails... I know, I know confusing and likely to be labeled heresy... but debates about nomenclature and religion... i mean story telling... just don't mix.
They have twisted the teachings of Jesus to line their pockets and because there was no other message to compare, many «believers» took their heresy as the true word of God.
Only recently, in Martin Mosebach's The Heresy of Formlessness, did I discover the original, all - but - suppressed reason for giving the Eucharist on the tongue: «Communion in the hand is inappropriate, not because the hands are less worthy to receive the Host than the tongue... or because they might be dirty, but because it would be impossible to rinse every participant's hands after Communion (that is, to make sure no particles of the Host are lost).»
That is because, for many of us, we intuitively know that if we allow one heresy, the whole house of god - cards will probably fall.
That designation has been dropped in our lifetimes, though, both because it is incorrect (unlike miaphysitism, monophysitism is a heresy, but not one Orientals espouse) and because it is rather insulting.
If a heresy spreads and acquires strength, St. Vincent says, it is «because the Lord your God does make trial of you, whether you love Him or not.»
Our holy Father has just sent another bishop packing because he was preaching heresy and would not stop it.
JH: Because there is always some room for mystery and speculation, both the Roman Catholic and Reformed traditions have been careful to distinguish three «zones» between strict orthodoxy and outright heresy.
Christians have a special responsibility to guard against the demonic sort of communitarianism, not only because the Church was so slow to condemn it the last time it reared its head, but also because on that occasion it drew strength from a specifically Christian heresy: the heresy of Jewish blood - guilt.
Development of doctrine often emerges with the assistance of questions raised as heresies hover — only because of Arius did we get the Nicene creed, only through Nestorius the richer insights into Christology.
This is such a heresy that the Spirit has abandoned these churches and they mock God by infant baptism (warning: nevertheless every infant baptism is valid, because God is the invisible Baptist; even the Catholic infant baptism is valid, although the RCC has completely turned apostate from the real faith).
If someone uses the word «heresy» maybe it is because they discern teaching that is contradictory to main orthodox Xian doctrine.
Muslims examine Islamic text this way all the time, and many Chrisktians would marvel thinking that just isn't done in Christianity (because much of Christianity view it as heresy).
'' We say, pronounce, sentence, and declare that you, the above - mentioned Galileo, because of the things deduced in the trial and confessed by you as above, have rendered yourself according to this Holy Office vehemently suspected of heresy, namely of having held and believed a doctine which is false and contrary to the divine and Holy Scripture: that the sun is the center of the world and does not move from east to west, and the earth moves and is not the center of the world, and that one may hold and defend as probable an opinion after it has been declared and defined contrary to Holy Scripture.»
Simpletons like you allow for people to be drowned because of accusations of witchcraft, and allow for innocent people to be burned at the stake for supposed heresy.
What Brox has to say is accurate and up - to - date, but because the book is arranged topically (church life and organization; conflicts, heresies, schisms; theological literature) the great story and the vigorous personalities that make up early Christian history remain on the periphery.
Reinhold Niebuhr, the great proponent of «Christian realism,» was right when he wrote, «It is a terrible heresy to suggest that, because the world is sinful, we have a right to construct a Machiavellian politics or a Darwinian sociology as normative for Christians.»
Because JM was not making the argument that a belief in the continuation of the charismatic gifts in itself will send anyone to hell — only that it is a dangerous gateway to damnable heresies.
And, even worse, because of this power given to them by the church, they executed people who had done nothing wrong other than be political enemies, CLAIMING heresy.
The first Rome, so ran the argument, had fallen victim to the heresy of the Latins and had lost the primacy that because of Peter it had formerly held.
When I was in high school, my mom would get mad at me when I said I didn't like 2/14, because I was apparently committing some sort of heresy by denouncing the Feast of Saint Valentine.
This widens your ability to solve emerging issues because you always go for facts and tend to downgrade heresies and rumors which are mostly non-factual.
It is a tremendous sensory experience, but at the risk of heresy, I have to confess to finding something a bit precious in its swooniness, a tonal register that is detectable despite, or because of, the periodic stabs of unsentimentality and brutality that function as alibis for the charge of escapism.
Now, this is utter heresy, because at present fertility projections our global population should top out at 9 billion around 2050.
The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth's lack of diversity is likely because it is still in early access, as even the steam page suggests that more unit types and game mode options are to come.
I also have published three pieces in Energy & Environment, the journal AGW supporters love to hate and slander because it dares to publish peer - reviewed non-AGW supporting science, a disgraceful public flouting of heresy.
Death threats have been made to two justices of the USSC, because they've stated publicly that it may, on some occasions, be helpful for the Court to look at law from outside the United StatesThis proposition is anodyne in Canada but heresy to a significant part of the House..
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