Sentences with phrase «heresy by»

This has been considered heresy by the environmental movement, to suggest that the natural world is going to change, and we are not going to stop all that change, it will have impacts and we better prepare for it.
Galileo Galilei dissented from this theory and was tried for heresy by the Catholic Church.
It was considered heresy by the Catholic Church and stopped again and again by the French crown.
Come Sunday tells the true - life story of Carlton Pearson, a pentecostal preacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma, whose late»90s revelations (he says directly from God) about the nature of heaven and hell end up deemed heresy by his own church.
When I was in high school, my mom would get mad at me when I said I didn't like 2/14, because I was apparently committing some sort of heresy by denouncing the Feast of Saint Valentine.
18 Paul from whom this group stemmed was bishop of Samosata and viceroy under Queen Zenobia of Palmyra; he was condemned for heresy by two synods (264, 269); and one of the incidental charges brought against him was that he trained women to sing in the church choir.
Christian) doctrine: Huss was burned for heresy the doctrine was denounced as a heresy by the pope.
It is no wonder that the Sufis were accused of heresy by the traditionalists and the traditionalists were charged by the Sufis with formalism, hypocrisy, and the inability to reason logically.
But he also came up with outlandish ideas, which were later condemned as heresy by the church.
Now that modernity is waning (a slower process than advertised by some), this position will become more exposed as heresy by its lack of support from the biblical and orthodox truth (the Bible does not teach what MacArthur is peddling and the church has historically not taught this) and by its lack of cultural support, which was able to mask the lack of legitimate support for a while.
This theory is not as popular today as it once was, but it was a common view held by many during the first centuries of the church (e.g., the Gnostics held this view), and was rightly condemned as heresy by many of the early church leaders.
But now in this year came the news of his violent death in Brussels, having been arrested for heresy by agents of the local Council in the Imperial city.
Some of Pole's closest associates in this group, including his friend Cardinal Giovanni Morone, would be arrested and imprisoned in the 1550s on suspicion of heresy by the fanatical Carafa pope, Paul IV.
The provocative thesis will be deemed heresy by partisans of «the judicial usurpation of politics»,» who inevitably assume that the rights of minorities receive their greatest protection from the courts.
Scripture urges Christians to be alert to doctrinal deception (Mt. 24:4) and to avoid heresy by carefully guarding the pure content of the gospel (1 Cor.
Just last week I was accused of heresy by Owen Strachan of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, and I often get «farewelled» on Twitter (or «excommunitweeted») for the supposed heresies of egalitarianism and theistic evolution.
Though occasionally reappearing in various forms (even now), this view has been rejected as heresy by the church.
He charged that the new teaching was a form of modal monarchianism, which had been condemned as heresy by the early church fathers.
That's been a christian myth for a while to try and bolster the bible's knowledge, but keep in mind that Gallilo having figured out the earth being round, and rotating around the sun was punished by the church for heresy by giving results against the bible.
Ronald Reagan's great biographer Steven F. Hayward courts charges of heresy by arguing that the Reagan Revolution was in some measure a failure, that its strategy of reining in the welfare state by «starving the beast» of revenues simply made it easier for us to enjoy the benefits....

Not exact matches

It is clear that a church, which lacks of a divine teacher and is led by a mere stupid man must become a pi - sspot of heresies.
Obviously here is the problem with this nonsensical illogic that is Christianity, which a perverted form of a Jewish heresy tainted by Greco Roman religion and culture.
Simply by recalling that yesterday's heresies, for all their weaknesses, were intellectually more interesting and compelling than today's.
The Body's Lessons by Sarah Ruden The Heresy of Weightlessness Womanhood Contracted to a Span Monument to Failure by Justin Shubow Artless Architecture Tear it Down!
Wrong heretic, Christianity is a Jewish heresy corrupted by paganism, tritheism, lies, blasphemy, and to top it off insults the true path of Hashem.
He was challenged on his show in 2007 by Father Tom Euteneuer of Human Life International, who observed that such a position emanating from a public figure technically fulfilled the requirements for something called heresy.
What finally emerged in the summer of 1518 from this frantic rethinking — recall that Luther was trying to work through the theological issue while at the same time explaining to the world why he shouldn't be burned at the stake for heresy — seems to have been shaped primarily by reflection on texts such as Matthew 16:19: «Whatever you loose on earth is loosed in heaven.»
Lewis later described this in his autobiographical work Surprised by Joy: «But then the key to my books is Donne's maxim, «The heresies that men leave are hated most.»
If you ask a conservative for a statement of his political convictions, he may well say that he has none, and that it is the greatest heresy of modernity is precisely to see politics as a matter of conviction: as though one could recuperate, at the level of political purpose, the consoling certainty which once was granted by religious faith.
The latest incarnation of this gender heresy, put forth by authors such as Mark Driscoll, is called complementarianism.
5:23 - 32), but this symbolism is shattered by the Mormon heresy of Polygamy.
The phrase «heresy trial» is favored by the press, of course, because in the American ethos of tolerance it creates strong sympathy for the dissenter putatively oppressed by an ecclesiastical establishment.
When the dust has settled, if it does settle, we will be doing something more comprehensive on the «heresy trial» of retired Episcopal Bishop Walter C. Righter for having violated church order by ordaining a homosexual not pledged to chastity.
The existence of the Acts of Pontius Pilate is strongly supported by Epiphanius (Heresies 50.1), Justin Martyr (First Apology, A.D. 150) and Tertullian (Apology, A.D. 200).
Second, it is by no means evident that this first procedure was a «heresy trial.»
This is the same ideology that has been pushed by CNN over and over and it's heresy.
Of all the crimes ever invented by mankind, «blashphemy» and «heresy» are the most ridiculous, especially considering how many countless thousands have been executed for them.
Inquisitions, by contrast, usually succeed: The Catholic Church succeeded in stamping out broadly held heresies, as in the Albigensian Crusade of 1220 - 1229, which destroyed between 200,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants of Cathar - controlled towns in Southern France.
The final passage is the closest we come to a designation of «heresy» as someone condemned by God to eternal damnation in the Bible.
But by the 6th century, that teaching was deemed heresy
One of the first heresies rejected by the early church was the denial of» Jesus» real and full humanity.
For example, he talks about the heresies of «justification by faith alone» (p. 237), annihilationism, hyper - preterism (p. 242), Openness of God, and Religious Inclusivism (p. 281).
That is a central Christian teaching which many Christians find offensive since they have fallen into the Galatian heresy of beginning in the Gospel, but returning to the Law: saved by Grace, but remain saved by our obedience.
The heresy is that of limiting Christ's character, nature or power by circumscribing his appearance.
A theologian driven by a lust for innovation will end up in heresy or find his desires happily frustrated, like Chesterton's explorer who sailed the globe in search of exotic places only to plant his flag on the coast of Cornwall.
Number one, Tacitus, a 1st Century Roman wrote about a person named Jesus being crucified for heresy against the Jewish people, executed by Pontias Pilate.
God's stoic apathy under the doctrine of divine impassibility has been supplanted by a strong endorsement of a God who suffers, championing the very heresy of patripassianism.
Whether the committee statement, if adopted, will ever be used as a basis for such serious procedures as heresy trials can not now be predicted, but that it will be used by Boards of Ordained Ministry in screening candidates can be confidently stated.
The Pope serves the Church best by saying «no» to errors and heresies.
The same moon he viewed through the windows of the house where he'd been placed under arrest by the church for pleading guilty to heresy.
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