Sentences with phrase «heretical thoughts»

I too have heretical thoughts like yours.
Coming soon: a series on genuine Southern cooking and a series on fermented foods from around the world — plus my heretical thoughts on feeding babies.
But I do know it won't happen by even more furious denunciations of others, by focusing on politics rather than prayer, by concerning ourselves with the sex lives and heretical thoughts of others rather than with the constant struggle to liberate ourselves from what keeps us from God.
Of course, my personal favorite bit of Irony is the Baptist Church was founded by Roger Williams in his attempt to ensure that there was separatation between Church and State, unlike in Massachusetts Colony, that kicked him out for spreading such heretical thought.
As John S would put it, I'm willing to take full possession of this heretical thought, without however getting exercised about negative reactions.

Not exact matches

But his solutions for shrinking the U.S. trade deficit with China, namely labeling China a currency manipulator and placing tariffs on Chinese goods, are not as heretical as you might think.
When I have well established patterns of thought the heretical views are often the most helpful because they cause me to challenge my own beliefs.
And consider the CRU e-mail comment on a journal that committed the mortal sin of publishing one of the heretical papers: «I think we have to stop considering Climate Research as a legitimate peer - reviewed journal.
Ever since I put it up, I get a few nasty messages every week from people who think I am a lying heretic leading poor lost souls to the pit of hell through false teaching and heretical ideas.
P.S. I tried to post a comment on another blog (one critical of me) that my plunge into «heretical liberalism» is worse than they think.
I think it is funny that most fundies adore C.S. Lewis, yet so much of his writings are controversial, some would even say heretical.
At Washington Bible College and Capital Bible Seminary they taught you how to think thru heretical arguments in light of scripture and come to reason it out for yourself AND how can any CHristian Apologist be worth anything if they don't know and understand the heretical views that oppose Orthodox Christianity!?
That said, there are so many more books etc. to support Crossan's views and other to make you think about other possibly heretical truths.
The point I was making was, it isn't some freaky heretical view of mine that I think Jesus while on earth wasn't omniscient.
So, no, your views are not heretical, except to those, like fishon (read — Pharisees) who think they KNOW, but can't see that they only BELIEVE.
Tiggy said — «The point I was making was, it isn't some freaky heretical view of mine that I think Jesus while on earth wasn't omniscient.
I thought he was a weak teacher at best, a heretical charlatan using the Gospel for his own personal gain (and a jet) at worst.
I can not tell you how many heretical sermons I have heard because a pastor thinks he has understood a parable, and then taught it, but what he thinks the parable teaches blatantly contradicts what the Bible teaches in other places.
How ought we to think about other persecuted groups who hold to a heretical understanding of the incarnation or the deity of Christ?
Bishop, thinking that fixing our dysfunctional political system rather than trusting God's Grace to heal humanity's social ills is not only heretical, it is also apostate, IMO.
It's so full of hatred, biblical distortion, etc. that it's heretical to mainstream Christian thinking.
However, I think holding a heretical view, as I defined it as denial of an essential doctrine, is to deny the Savior and his salvation.
His development of Berkeley's thought, however, takes a course that is radically different from that of Hume or Kant, a course that testifies indirectly to the truth of Whitehead's heretical claim that an element of mysticism is unavoidable in rational explanations.
And I might add to this, ``... or because they hold to some doctrine which we think is heretical
In the last century, one thinks of the notoriously heretical Honest To God, by the Anglican John Robinson, or more recently Godless Morality, by the ex-Bishop of Edinburgh Richard Holloway.
I think we need to listen to more apparently «heretical» views because I personally believe that much of what is popularly held as true is in fact false and needs to be challenged by opposing views.
«Heresy is in the eye of the beholder... no one thinks that their beliefs are heretical, so denouncing another's theology as «heretical» is meaningless and purposeless, for what one judges to be «heresy» is dependant upon one's accepted church's dogma.
* I also send my kids to public school, let them watch TV, vaccinate them (though I do think there are too many of those), reprimand them for misbehaviour and use timeouts (no spanking though), and other such heretical things.
This heretical statement clashes with common sense, which admittedly fails us when talking about the birth of the universe, an event thought to occur at unfathomably high energies.
And you can see these like, paintings of Newton saying that he got thinking about the rainbow because he was playing with his nephew and his nephew had bubbles he was playing with and it's an effort to domesticate Newton for the Victorian age so he's a recognizable person instead of this crazy, heretical monk.
I think that being a scientist at that era was extraordinarily exciting and challenging, because societies were governed by scholasticism, and new scientific ideas were heretical and potentially punishable by death.
Sorry for my heretical viewpoint, but I think gamification is, in most cases, a total and utter waste of time and effort.
Finally we get to what I've been thinking of as my heretical idea.
It may be heretical to say it, but I think he's a more important figure in American environmentalism than Rachel Carson, if only because of the range of issues he addressed and the methods he brought to his activism.
This just up: «Freeman Dyson on «heretical» thoughts about global warmimg».
Angus Stop being a heretical denying apostate we want no rational thoughtful creative contributions and thinking here!
This is a radical, if not heretical, thought.
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