Sentences with phrase «heterogeneous environment»

The local adaptation hypothesis predicts that vocal dialects should evolve via sexual selection in heterogeneous environments regardless of spatial scale [15,16] when such heterogeneity is associated with local adaptations limiting movement [12,17].
In a more heterogeneous environment some genes will be better for one type of habitat (high - quality food) and other genes will give the animals a little leg up in the second habitat (low - quality food), thus upping the appeal of swapping some genes via sex.
The organism draws its genes from an enormously variegated gene pool; it develops under the influence of them and also under those of a probably pretty heterogeneous environment; and, at any given stage of its life, the way its genes and its previous environment have acted up to that point may have considerable effect on the nature of the environment to which it will next be subjected — if the animal does not like it here it may migrate someplace else, and so on.
But Bloom rejects that idea and argues that such preferences are a proxy for the desire to form coalitions, pointing out that such preferences are absent in kids raised in a racially heterogeneous environment.
Apparently, the sense of efficacy in the public sphere — «voice,» as Campbell labels it — also seems to increase in politically heterogeneous environments.
Worked with a team that remotely supports thousands of users at hundreds of small companies, healthcare facilities, and not - for - profit organizations, with heterogeneous environments.
One prevailing theory holds that in a more heterogeneous environment — as one would expect in nature — the advantages of sex would outweigh its costs.
«Such an ability to choose between different responses according to their outcome could be particularly important in heterogeneous environments, where plants can grow by chance under neighbors with different size, age or density, and should therefore be able to choose their appropriate strategy» says Gruntman.
«I was surprised how rapidly the frequency of sex rose» in heterogeneous environments, Otto says.
These interventions are distributed in a heterogeneous environment — where humans experience different levels of exposure, due to both individual and spatial factors.
Genomes of ubiquitous marine and hypersaline Hydrogenovibrio, Thiomicrorhabdus, and Thiomicrospira spp. encode a diversity of mechanisms to sustain chemolithoautotrophy in heterogeneous environments — Kathleen M. Scott — Environmental Microbiology
Scientists of various stripes have their isms and protocols and «windows of opportunity»; journalists seek «usually reliable sources «and «deep background informants»; and environmentalists tout ecotourism and homeostasis in a heterogeneous environment.
Built and maintained load balanced web systems in a heterogeneous environment utilizing Apache, Tomcat and IIS on both Linux and Windows servers.
➜ Installs, configures and troubleshoots desktop systems, workstations and computer peripherals in a heterogeneous environment.
Provided systems and networking support for Advantica's heterogeneous environment to include configuration and support of Windows, UNIX, and Linux based servers / workstations as well as the complete networking infrastructure to include switching, routing, and firewalls.
Led a team of support personnel in a heterogeneous environment of VAXs, PCs, Macintosh computers, printers and networks.
Summary: * 10 years of solid, professional and extensive SAN / NAS Storage experience in leveraging Storage solutions in heterogeneous environments, including multi-platform implementation of Storage systems.
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