Sentences with phrase «heterosexual activity»

Even the Catholic Church acknowledged the value of heterosexual activity exclusively as an expression of love when it approved the rhythm method of birth control.
The number of new cases each year of AIDS acquired through heterosexual activity among women aged 20 to 29 has increased by 96.7 per cent since 1988.
We may even agree that in a society that discourages faithful bonding among homosexuals, a higher percentage of homosexual activity than of heterosexual activity expresses idolatry.
Personally, I find it demeaning for conversations to label me and ask whether I choose heterosexual activity, homosexual activity, or chastity.
What they don't want us to remember is that there are 362 admonishments in the Bible concerning heterosexual activity.
Heterosexual activity surpassed intravenous drug use as the leading route of infection among women diagnosed with AIDS in the US last year, according to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
Bisexual relationships basically involve both homosexual as well as heterosexual activities on bisexual dating site.
Notably, the Court makes no effort to explain why it has chosen to group private, consensual homosexual activity with adultery and incest, rather than with private, consensual heterosexual activity by unmarried persons or, indeed, with oral or anal sex within marriage.
Participants were from the HPV Infection and Transmission among Couples through Heterosexual Activity (HITCH) study conducted at McGill and led by Franco.
«In 2014, 24 % of new HIV infections were attributed to heterosexual activity,» notes Dr. Robinson.
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