Sentences with phrase «heterosexual males between»

Using an online survey conducted in 16 different languages, the researchers presented 1972 heterosexual males between the ages of 18 and 24 from 28 different countries with 20 pairs of Caucasian female faces.

Not exact matches

Also, whereas there was no link between the amount of impulsive attraction the non-homophobic men showed toward men (on the manikin task) and the time they spent looking at the images of male gay couples, there was a link among the highly homophobic participants - those who showed a greater impulsive attraction to men also tended to look longer at the images of gay couples than heterosexual couples.
At another point, he writes that the «openness of the contract» between two homosexual males means that such a union will in fact be more durable than a heterosexual marriage because the contract contains an «understanding of the need for extramarital outlets» (emphasis added).
One thing I love about the Gay Christian Network, of which Justin is the director, is that it welcomes healthy dialog between folks on «Side A,» who believe homosexual relationships have the same value as heterosexual relationships in the sight of God, and folks on «Side B,» who believe only male / female relationships in marriage represent God's intent for sexuality.
The link between justice and ecological issues becomes especially evident in light of the dualistic, hierarchical mode of Western thought in which a superior and an inferior are correlated: male - female, white people — people of color, heterosexual - homosexual, able - bodied — physically challenged, culture - nature, mind - body, human - nonhuman.
While most people indeed have a heterosexual orientation and identify with a single gender that was assigned to them at birth, it has become increasingly clear that this is not the case for everyone, that gender and sexuality might better be understood as manifesting themselves along continuums, with male / female, masculine / feminine, heterosexual / homosexual existing at the poles but with a variety of identities, orientations, and expressions in between.
In 2003, University of Texas psychoacoustics specialist Dennis McFadden found that when measuring the way the brain reacts to sound, lesbians fell in between heterosexual men and straight women, meaning they are exposed to higher than normal levels of male hormone in utero.
Edwin Wall, the couple's attorney, says, «There is no basis the state could assert that there is any legitimate reason in this case to distinguish between the married male couple and either married female couples or heterosexual couples.»
The researchers studied 350 heterosexual college students — almost evenly split between males and females — who participated in one of 15 speed - dating events in 2005 or 2007.
In the following weeks and months as I sat with therapy clients and spoke with colleagues, family, and friends, I noticed patterns of disconnection between heterosexual women and their male partners.
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