Sentences with word «heterotopia»

The geographic reference in the name points to the idea of dislocation, to indicate a kind of heterotopia — a conflation of spaces as well as of different practices.
The focus is on what Michel Foucault calls heterotopia, a space of otherness, a space that is neither here nor there, which is both physical and mental, which works on non-hegemonic conditions.
Zlatan Vehabovic» interviewed at the Ikon Arts Foundation «Painting heterotopia: an interview wit... Read More
As Rosenthal argues, we now constantly live in this mirror: London is a «mirror city» in that its inhabitants are always surrounded by heterotopias and utopias, and their reality is somewhere in between the two.
Abnormal structural and functional connectivity in gray matter heterotopia.
Integration of gray matter nodules into functional cortical circuits in periventricular heterotopia.
The juxtaposition — of «life and death» and «boundless... and enclosed space» — serves to evoke, explains writer Jean Fisher, the intense heterotopias conceptualised by Michael Foucalt.
Philosopher Michel Foucault calls such locales heterotopias — circumscribed areas that deviate from customary rules and behaviors.
Her paintings thus become heterotopias full of emancipatory potential as zones of regaining freedom.
Ultimately, «vacation space» is a non-space, as it exists between one's everyday life and the life one hopes to live (or in the Foucauldian sense of heterotopia, it is an in - between space of otherness that offers a means of escape from daily anxieties).
Zlatan Vehabovic» interviewed at the Ikon Arts Foundation «Painting heterotopia: an interview with Zlatan Vehabovic» The artist discusses the body of work that will be on view at MARC STRAUS in his upcoming exhibition.
For the artist, geometry is the best tool to represent and investigate a trans - human utopia and heterotopia in which gender theories can be applied...
Each of the films presented here can be seen as an «heterotopia».
He goes on to state that «between utopias and these quite other sites, these heterotopias, there might be a sort of mixed, joint experience, which would be the mirror.»
Cubism reduced space and sensation not to planes or cubes, but to a greater variety of cues for the imagination, from textures to song titles — the deliberate incongruity, challenging the coherence of any imaginative vision, that Foucault called a heterotopia.
Foucault discusses utopia and heterotopia, the former being an ideal state and the latter being «places that do exist and that are formed in the very founding of society.»
Nonconformist and at the same time authorized, and following spatial theories such as Michel Foucault's «heterotopia», a project space is a typology that is neither here nor there.
In 1967, Michel Foucault created the idea of «absolutely other spaces» that he called heterotopias, including those which a child creates in order to reign over a world that is parallel to the one dominated by adults.Contrary to a utopia, a heterotopia indeed acts like a counter-space, a welcoming place for what Harald Szeeman would qualify as an «individual mythology».
Calero is interested in the illusion of Latin America as a utopia, however, her constructed spaces could be considered more a heterotopia; a place of otherness with more layers of meaning than immediately apparent.
The parallel established helps to measure the topicality of heterotopias and their impact on contemporary history and society.
A FILM FESTIVAL is a unique kind of heterotopia, a marketplace that challenges its denizens to transform profusion and plenty into constellations that provide a coherent experience.
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