Sentences with phrase «hewn churches»

Museums, palaces, carved granite obelisks, rock - hewn churches and ancient remains; all this combined with spectacular landscapes and much more, is waiting for you in this historic, beautiful and diverse country.
Tigray has a rich history but is best known for its rock hewn churches.
Experience a land like no other, from the rock - hewn churches of Lalibela and the untouc...
The Rock - Hewn Churches of Lalibela are still preserved in their natural settings.
The association of the rock - hewn churches and the traditional vernacular circular houses, in the surrounding area, still demonstrate evidences of the ancient village layout.
They explored the amazing rock hewn churches of Ethiopia, and played with monkeys in Malaysia.

Not exact matches

There is a rough - hewn cross, 12 feet high, at the front of the church and we all flood to the altar, covering it with sunshine coloured daffodils and pink hued tulips until the entire cross is covered in a bower of spring flowers and I can't even look at it without wanting to shout out loud words like «Hallelujah!»
Abdullah would become the subject of «Station 08: Outlaw», photographed in front of the church's roughly hewn cross, his eyes closed and palms turned upwards in surrender.
This means that any institutions, including churches, which maintain programs that receive HEW funds must respond to the following regulations:
«People have found no better thing than this to do for kings at their crowning and for criminals going to the scaffold; for armies in triumph or for a bride and bridegroom in a little country church; for the wisdom of a Parliament or for a sick old woman afraid to die... tremulously, by an old monk on the fiftieth anniversary of his vows; furtively by an exiled bishop who had hewn timber all day in a prison camp; gorgeously for the canonization of St Joan of Arc.»
The old farmer sized it all up, measured it against his rough - hewn view of providence, and decided it was better to be in church praising God than running around the cow pasture shooting buckshot into the night sky
So consistent are we in our beliefs that if you hew to the first narrative, I predict you read the New York Times, listen to progressive talk radio, watch CNN, are pro-choice and anti-gun, adhere to separation of church and state, are in favor of universal health care, and vote for measures to redistribute wealth and tax the rich.
The Church of Rome fell for its heresy; the gates of the second Rome, Constantinople, were hewn down by the axes
Amongst its achievements are the eleven 12th - century rock - hewn subterranean churches of Lalibela and the ancient monasteries of Debre Libanos and Lake Tana.
A high - gloss kitchen offers a gleaming black backdrop for rough - hewn flooring, a heavy painted wood country dining table and mismatched vintage school and church chairs.
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