Sentences with word «hiatal»

The word "hiatal" refers to something that is related to a hiatus or a gap. It can describe when there is a separation or opening between two things, like in the case of a hiatal hernia where part of the stomach bulges through the diaphragm. In simple terms, "hiatal" means a gap or separation. Full definition
The symptoms most commonly associated with hiatal hernias include vomiting, regurgitation, excessive salivation, bloody vomiting and difficulty breathing.
When discussing the mechanisms for GERD, the issue of hiatal hernia must be addressed.
Naturopathic medicine aims to eliminate any factors that may be affecting the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) such as hiatal hernia, low acid pH, poor diet and food sensitivity.
We can not promise any benefits to your dog or other animals from your taking part in this clinical trial; however, possible benefits include a better understanding of your dogs presence or absence of hiatal herniation which may aid in longer - term management of this component of his or her clinical signs.
More than just the discomfort, constipation can increase risk for hiatal hernia, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, and painful conditions with names like anal fissure.
In hiatal hernia the muscle tissue surrounding this opening becomes weak or even damaged as a result of the following factors: Bad diet and unhealthy lifestyle, refined sugar, nutritional deficiencies, stimulants (especially smoking, caffeine and alcohol), free radicals, stress, toxins, certain prescribed medications, lack of exercise, obesity, insufficient rest and sleep, etc..
It started with a chronic cough, pain, burning, choking sensation... I tried every over the counter product possible... I saw my primary care doctor, an allergist, a gastroenterologist, an Ear Nose and Throat doctor, and finally had a barium swallow test swallowing a nasty, chalky substances... it showed I had a Sliding Hiatal Hernia with spontaneous reflux.
It may also be caused by another condition called hiatal hernia.
Singer goes on to say, «head of bed elevation is used to treat many conditions, including hiatal hernia, gastric reflux, head injuries, respiratory problems, and more.
Veterinarians conduct upper - airway surgery to repair the problem and with the owner's permission follow up with a variety of diagnostic tests to analyze the effect on hiatal hernias.
The specialist performed an endoscopy, an examination of the stomach with a lighted instrument, which showed that I had a 1 cm hiatal hernia.
This may explain why hiatal hernia is extremely rare among populations eating high - fiber diets.
I treat hiatal hernias all the time in my office, so you might look for a doc who does the same.
In October 2013, I was suffering from a lupus flare, stomach ulcer, inflamed hiatal hernia, pockets of inflammation throughout my intestines and colon, various psoriatic rashes and lesions, joint pain, hair loss, mouth ulcers and gum bleeding, weight gain from prednisone, and an uptick in my vitiligo symptoms, which caused it to spread to my face.
I noticed in Ms Louisa's book» Digestive enzymes from pancreatic or plantbased sources UNLESS hiatal hernia, GERD, ulcers, or thinned stomach lining present».
I remember it like it was yesterday: With scissors in hand, my role was to cut the duct tape after it was strategically placed over a protruding hiatal hernia on the lifter's abdomen.
However, trauma may also bring on an acquired hiatal hernia, and this can occur at any age.
A barium study showed a severe hiatal hernia.
Many dogs that have small hiatal hernias have no accompanying clinical signs.
Even when a condition known as hiatal hernia is discovered, it still is not associated strongly enough with severe reflux to be considered a sole cause.
Title: Effect of Surgical Treatment of Brachycephalic Obstructor Syndrome on the Lower Esophageal Area of Brachycephalic Dogs with Evidence of Hiatal Herniation and Gastroesophageal Reflux
I had Nissan multiplication done October 7, 2016, sliding hiatal hernia, then lost weight, then problems with thyroid afterwards.
Other contributors to reflux in some people include smoking (3), high alcohol intake (4), and anatomical issues, such as hiatal hernia (5).
It is not completely determined what causes acid reflux, however studies have confirmed that most acid reflux patients had a hiatal hernia or are pregnant, suffer from obesity or are smoking.
In fact, after her bouts two years ago with ulcers, colitis and a hiatal hernia, he scooped up the couple's dog, Shank, and joined his wife as a full - time caddie, coach and tranquilizer.
Hiatal hernia can be caused by persistent or violent coughing, vomiting, or straining when the upper part of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm.
Hiatal hernias can be encountered frequently in patients with reflux disease; however, it has been well proven that not all patients with hiatal hernias have symptomatic reflux.
It can also be related to food allergies or a hiatal hernia.
His other clinical interests include minimally invasive surgical treatment for disorders of the spleen (including massive splenomegaly), esophagus (hiatal hernia, gastroesophageal reflux disease, paraesophageal hernia, and achalasia), stomach (peptic ulcer disease, benign and malignant tumors), pancreas (pseudocysts, benign and malignant tumors), adrenal glands and abdominal wall hernias.
A test revealed that she had a hiatal hernia, a condition in which a bit of the stomach bulges upward into the chest cavity.
Doctors rarely recommend a surgical repair of a hiatal hernia; instead they suggest you treat the symptoms of acid reflux.
But although Gilstrap - Ross, 45, takes these six supplements routinely, she balked last year when a doctor suggested that she go on a prescription heartburn medication to treat symptoms resulting from a hiatal hernia.
Finally, I had the procedure and the doctor gave me a copy of the pictures of my insides, which showed villous atrophy in my small intestine, inflammation in my esophagus, as well as a hiatal hernia.
If you keep taking pills when you have heartburn, you could create some major health issues for yourself, such as stomach and duodenum inflammation, ulceration, hiatal hernias or even gastrointestinal cancers, which include pancreatic and liver cancer.
This is called a hiatal hernia and causes similar acid reflux symptoms.
I have a hiatal hernia too but got off those nasty drugs by using aloe life, marshmallow root and DGL licorice.
Alternative treatments for H. pylori, and hiatal hernia, two of the most common causes of acid reflux, but at the same time misdiagnosed many times.
Lean meats and fish: Turkey, salmon, ground beef, skinless chicken breast, and certain types of fish (i.e. cod and mackerel) are the go - to choices for protein in the hiatal hernia diet.
Beverages: Water is the ideal beverage to incorporate into the hiatal hernia diet.
I may have had the hiatal hernia my whole life.
Hiatal hernia can also be healed naturally by herbal medicines from Grocare India — Hernica and acidim.
I probably first got my hiatal hernia from straining during bowel movements after years of low fiber eating, although it was not symptomatic until I lifted a heavy log a couple of years ago, and the stomach tore through the diaphragm causing intense pain.

Phrases with «hiatal»

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