Sentences with phrase «hibernating animals»

"Hibernating animals" refers to animals that sleep or rest for a long period of time during the cold winter months. They go into a deep sleep-like state to conserve energy and survive through the winter when food and resources are scarce. Full definition
«And it's important to note that hibernating animals such as groundhogs may be impacted by the growing effects of climate change.
Have fun outdoors while the weather is mild: make a natural bird feeder, learn about hibernating animals and take a guided nature walk.
Many believe the disease is purely psychological, but researchers have discovered something that might change that: a unique decline in cell waste in CFS - affected blood, which also happens in hibernating animals and people with extreme caloric restriction, Pacific Standard reports.
Brown fat burns calories, and is what hibernating animals — and even human babies — use to keep warm.
Use your library to get some books on hibernating animals.
Hibernating animals tend to breathe more slowly, drop their heart rate and lower their body temperature, becoming inactive for days at a time.
«Unlike hibernating animals, we humans have only a small spot of brown fat, and yet its importance in human metabolism has only recently come into view,» said Thoru Pederson, Ph.D., Editor - in - Chief of The FASEB Journal.
Each student might research a different hibernating animal.
On a second grader's worksheet, the 21st question was, «How are estivating and hibernating animals alike
Warming springs can cause plants to bloom earlier, change the locations of migrating species, alter the awakening time of hibernating animals, and increase the seasonal insect populations.
Human babies are born with brown fat as a natural defense against cold, and hibernating animals such as bears build up large stores of brown fat for the same reason.
It is an evolutionary fall - back that was useful in times of famine or in hibernating animals to lower metabolism.
But just as it is next to impossible to lure and trap a hibernating animal, catching a virus on the move is far easier than snaring one lying dormant.
Brown fat is found most commonly in babies and hibernating animals as nature's way of keeping them warm while at their most vulnerable.
Hibernating animals such as bears build up large stores of brown fat for the same reason.
Because new research just reported at the Ecological Society of America meeting indicates that some hibernating animals wake up as a defense against bacterial infections.
By comparing the hibernation habits of eastern dwarf lemurs and their western counterparts, researchers hope to shed light on what sends hibernating animals into standby mode, and whether lemurs — our closest genetic relatives known to hibernate — do it differently from other hibernating animals.
The hibernating animals start burning more calories (analogous to gasoline), losing the energy in the form of heat.
One other thing to consider are hibernating animals.
The idea dates back hundreds of years when people looked to hibernating animals such as badgers, hedgehogs and bears to see when they might wake up from their winter sleep.
The idea dates back hundreds of years when people looked to hibernating animals such...
The idea dates back hundreds of years when people looked to hibernating animals such as badgers, hedgehogs and bears to see when they might wake up from...
With Spring comes a great many deal of occurrences: hibernating animals are waking up, flowers are beginning to bloom, and love may even be in the air for some of us.
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