Sentences with phrase «hibernation habits»

Wind energy is emission - free so that it does not pollute the environment or contribute to climate change — the single biggest threats to wildlife in that climate change can disrupt reproductive cycles, shift ranges, alter hibernation habits, and impact the availability of prey.
Extend the Lesson Challenge students to learn more about the hibernation habits of each animal listed on the puzzle page and of other animals that hibernate.
Committed to its own weird world, Anchorman never winks at its audience: It moves with Simpsons - like swiftness, doling out gag after gag, at least a few of which involve jazz flute and the hibernation habits of bears.
But the hibernation habits of Madagascar's eastern dwarf lemurs, whose homes include high - altitude forests where winter temperatures occasionally dip below freezing, were poorly known.
By comparing the hibernation habits of eastern dwarf lemurs and their western counterparts, researchers hope to shed light on what sends hibernating animals into standby mode, and whether lemurs — our closest genetic relatives known to hibernate — do it differently from other hibernating animals.

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The PJs - and - cookies habit we developed during winter hibernation will just disappear.
Revive what has fallen into hibernation mode, let go of old habits or crappy jobs for that matter.
The common poorwill, Phalaenoptilus nuttallii, is a bird found throughout Western North America and is most notable for its winter time habits — it is the only bird species known to engage in anything like hibernation and will spend almost the entire winter in a state of torpor hidden away in rocky nests.
But even if you're not switching PCs, Windows has an annoying habit of not always sending notifications until you shift focus between apps, or resume working from sleep or hibernation.
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