Sentences with phrase «hiccups such»

I did see some graphical hiccups such as doves erupting from the ground and dead characters falling through the map.
Renewable Energy World CAPE TOWN, South Africa — Investors are looking beyond hiccups such as the stalling of the scheme to buy clean energy by the South African government from independent power producers to create a very large wind sector by 2050, but they want clear regulations.
The development team appears to have made a real attempt to bring the adventure in line with modern successes, but some bizarre design choices and a lack of clear focus have taken their toll, and that's ignoring the technical hiccups such as freezing in place or when items fail to register.
Some other hiccups such as some objects being flung as you walk into them can also occur.
But even costly hiccups such as that one are important to future successes.
Of course there have been the odd few hiccups such as a tight two legged aggregate victory in the Europa League... [Read more...]
That went on for some time with only minor hiccups such as happens whenever humans gather until at some point, unbeknownst to me, we seemed to have slipped into this point where we were expected to have an affinity for the denomination and thus automatically hold its leadership in high regard and limit our criticism of such.
After spending all that time and money preparing for a great holiday, you wouldn't want a Christmas travel hiccup such as flight changes, cancellations or sickness to ruin all your plans and potentially cost you a fortune.

Not exact matches

McDonald's Corp has begun testing its long - awaited U.S. mobile ordering app, with the goal of avoiding the kinds of service hiccups that have haunted digital debuts by companies such as Starbucks.
100K + nonqualified & 2 roths = steady gains and market fluctuations are mere hiccups; seriously, we don't even concern ourselves with such drivel.
Still there are a few signals such as 2006 and 2013 that were followed by only minor hiccups.
Jesus came to earth to live life as a man, which included all the trappings of humanness: being born, breathing, having the hiccups, going to the bathroom (such as bathrooms were at the time), etc. etc..
Infant formula companies such as Bellamy's Australia, Bubs Australia and Wattle Health have all experienced big share price hikes on demand from China, while vitamins groups Blackmores and Swisse have enjoyed enormous growth since 2014, although there have been hiccups and volatility largely stemming from regulatory shifts by Chinese authorities.
Watch videos of such fire - eaters (British men mostly, and alarmingly pale) on YouTube, where they stare into the camera sweating and hiccuping while describing the exact nature of their excruciation.
Most of these monitors are equipped with special features to help parents track various fetal noises such as the heartbeat, kicks and even hiccups.
It is a safe and gentle formula to solve your baby's fussiness due to stomach discomforts such as colic, gas, and hiccups.
Gripe Water contains bicarbonate and natural herbal ingredients, such as ginger and fennel, which work together to calm hiccups, soothe upset tummies and help ease the symptoms of colic quickly.
Babies whose moms have too much milk may exhibit symptoms such as fussing, pulling off the breast, colicky crying, gassiness, spitting up, and hiccuping.
Of course no such thing happened, yet this minor hiccup didn't stop him writing another book of predictions.
«Appreciable progress has been made but such hiccups are inevitable.
To some, such setbacks are minor hiccups, nothing to worry about if you want to cure the incurable or win big.
Certain health complications seen in the Sierra Leone survivors, such as pruritus (itchy skin) and hiccups are new and hard to explain.
Or you just experienced a hiccup (such as taking a break from romance after your kid was born) that grew into a bad habit.
«It can cause side effects such as stomach upset, headaches, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, belching, and hiccups»
Although this trip was filled with quite a few hiccups we still managed to have such a good time just being together.
It's small enough to make it through security without a hiccup yet big enough for your basic needs such as a cellphone, keys, wipes and lip gloss.
I only saw a few minor flaws with Hot Shots Tennis, such as the uselessness of the unlockables, extremely annoying multiplayer, and even a harmless yet painfully obvious «hiccup
Unfortunately, some things are hindering, such as the battlelog setup, the difficulty of using voice chat, and some glitches / hiccups in the
Yeah, he winces for a few minutes after rolling out of a speeding car, and Willis admirably takes a second at one point to register the distaste of killing, but such moments are hiccups in a chugfest of stupefying action.
It has obvious hiccups to it, but also has some memorable moments such as a fight in Snokes Throne room.
And despite some hiccups, it was able to do so largely without all the partisan wrangling and interagency tensions that have notoriously confounded such efforts on a national scale.
The dual - clutch automatic upshifts without losing momentum, which is supercool, but suffers occasional delays and hiccups caused by a conflict between the need to preselect the next gear and the inability of the black box to predict the unpredictable, such as an aborted passing maneuver.
The last time such a day was held — in 2014 - there were a lot of cars announced that did not see the light of day, and any hiccup in the economy could throw this whole plan under the autobus.
The niche market, which is only 1 per cent of total passenger car market, was bumping from one regulatory or taxation hiccup or another since the past two years such as the Supreme Court ban on high end diesel vehicle sale in Delhi - NCR, note - ban and the short - lived GST boost.
For instance, Nook users will be able to buy e-books from stores other than Barnes & Noble; they will also be able to transfer e-books back and forth to a computer or other e-book reader, such as a Sony Reader, without fear of hiccups.
I was able to run games such as Angry Birds Space, Air Attack HD Lite, Fruit Ninja, Fruit Slice and Temple Run smoothly without hiccups along the way.
The idea of a full fledged tablet device that costs as low as just $ 35 had made the tablet headlines world wide, though subsequent hiccups in finding a suitable manufacturing partner had led many to doubt if such a low price tag could indeed be translated to reality.
I ran into a few Nook OS crashes, but the device recovered after each hiccup, and Barnes & Noble will (I hope) address such software glitches soon.
A hiccup, such as when a reader has to stop and figure out how to correctly parse a long idea, is like stumbling on your way to the cash register.
Amazon has never been a software or hardware developer before the Kindle and as such it was to be expected that there would be hiccups in the product and the delivery.
Every once in a while a hiccup could occur and you'll need to resolve an issue such as a payment not going for whatever reason, but as long as your on top of it and resolve it, everything will be fine and the system will continue chugging along successfully.
While there's been a few hiccups (such as a new neighbour with a loud dog), she's managed to weather any minor disadvantages and, in the end, she's come out ahead both emotionally and financially.
If they have frequent or long lasting occurrences, do be sure to ask your vet about it, as hiccups could be a symptom of an underlying disorder such as a physical abnormality, asthma, pneumonia, pericarditis, stroke or hypothermia.
This may mean you're working on building your credit for the first time, or could indicate you have had a few hiccups with your credit, such as making several late payments, and need to rebuild.
Guards come back to life after being killed, graphical hiccups are just about everywhere you look, such as books not even lining up with shelves, and I even managed to get stuck inside a rock for a while, having tried to leap atop it for a better look around.
My expectations with the arrival of Valka were that we would get one of two things, either the typical conflict between Hiccup and his mother before achieving resolution or that her presence within such an amazing community of dragons would act as a catalyst for further arguments between Hiccup and Stoick, with Hiccup coveting the sort of freedom his mother has over the responsibility Stoick is expecting him to take on.
For a game with so much going on at nearly every moment, and set on such elaborate stages, Warhammer Vermintide 2 has a solid and reliable framerate and very few technical hiccups.
There were a few hiccups along the way, such as slight frame rate drops during more intense combat moments when there was a lot going on, minor voice acting issues, and rare AI issues.
I did encounter some frame hiccups in the occasional Rite both in story and versus, which can become a handicap in such a fast paced and tactical game, but it didn't happen often enough to have a significant impact on my experience.
The graphics and music are among the best on the system, but the game suffers from technical difficulties such as a hiccupping frame rate, sometimes jerky NPCs and low - quality audio files.
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