Sentences with phrase «hidden assumption»

There's an additional hidden assumption here: If it's real love, you won't have to work at it.
It can also help you identify and deal with hidden assumptions and the people (characters) that impact your business.
Socrates framed this as a cooperative type of inquiry — now known as the Socratic method — in which an inquirer asks questions of his or her critics in order to pinpoint weaknesses or hidden assumptions in a belief system.
It would not be difficult to show that these arguments contain hidden assumptions and logical lapses which invalidate them as demonstrative proofs.
In this regime that probes people's minds for hidden assumptions, for biases concealed even from their holders, the custodians have an impossible task.
The problem is that Monte Carlo analysis depends on many hidden assumptions, and the same inputs to two differently built simulations can yield very different results.
The math reveals, but it also conceals hidden assumptions.)
I believe strongly in the need to go through the exercise of building a financial model (can focus mind and expose hidden assumptions and flaws), and agree that the focus should not be on formal financial documents or even on the resulting numbers themselves (that is, until you are up and running and have real numbers).
For example, therapists with their own histories of loyalty conflicts and alignments may hold hidden assumptions that could interfere with their ability to discern the realities of any specific case (Feinberg & Greene, 1995).
An honest apologetic that presents rational arguments for a particular religious world view is less likely to indoctrinate then a superficially neutral presentation that contains hidden assumptions and bias.
Give them credit for candor, anyway; there is no need to speculate about hidden assumptions here.
There is a hidden assumption implicit in that claim — that the nominal price is the market price.
The problem is often that our hidden assumptions about the way the world works have not adjusted with changes in the world economy, and so are often misguided but nonetheless deeply held.
Since the late nineteenth century, however, except perhaps for a brief period before and after World War II, this is no longer the case, and we should not allow this hidden assumption to determine our explanations of trade imbalances.
There is a need to draw attention to the bias and hidden assumptions contained in the text books — and not just in religious studies, but in subjects across the curriculum where political indoctrination is taking place.
Thus, although we still need to respect the doorbell image, in the sense that the pastor must make himself available to his people and not merely wait in an office until they come, we must reject its hidden assumptions that pastoral work with people is routine, perhaps dull, and certainly not as central to ministry as preaching.
Praxis - thinking challenge this assumption of western Christianity, which is the hidden assumption of much of our education system.
But even here the emphasis falls on becoming aware of hidden assumptions, learning how to live with people whose «value systems» differ, and acquiring the critical detachment necessary for students to «choose for themselves what principles will guide them.»
«Extrapolating backwards makes a hidden assumption that any loss of population, regardless of how small, commits a species to extinction — which is not reasonable,» says Stephen Hubbell, a theoretical ecologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and co-author of the paper.
Moreover, our analysis does not depend on large, complex global climate models, the huge computer programs that are notorious for their hidden assumptions and adjustable parameters.
Underlying the idea of the perfect diet that will perfectly nourish us at all times is the hidden assumption that the body has the same nutritional needs at every stage of development.
By analyzing the discourse employed by politicians, lobbyists, think tanks, and special interest groups, the authors uncover the hidden assumptions that often underlie popular statements about school reform, and demonstrate how misinformation or half - truths have been used to reshape public education in ways that serve the interests of private enterprise.
Guest posting has a hidden assumption that your quality writing should be given away for free all in exchange for a backlink.
The modern era reveals the hidden assumptions on that: that property values would never fall.
Thus, the statistics which we take for granted and band around freely with each other measuring such ostensibly simple concepts as inflation, wealth, capital and debt, in fact involve all sorts of hidden assumptions, short - cuts and qualifications.
Why I am mentioning it now, is that a hidden assumption of my S&P 500 estimation model is that the return on assets in the economy as a whole is assumed to be constant.
Models often contain errors due to «hidden assumptions
But the hidden assumption in the use of the Carhart factors is the idea that no one can use them to make money over time on average.
Further, a certain amount of it is misinterpreted, or, those writing about it, even really bright people, don't understand the hidden assumptions that they are making.
His projects aim to reveal the hidden assumptions that allow technological modes of thought to seem self - evident.
Software developers acquire blind spots; they have hidden assumptions they don't even realize are assumptions.
For those of you who are familar with Earth accretional history, the Earth's water complement is a hidden assumption, it is based on an ad hoc late accretion by dirty snowball impacts.
It's there as some sort of hidden assumption.
Until these hidden assumptions are stated I suggest that we all take at face value the positions that these scientists actually assert.
Moreover, our analysis does not depend on large, complex global climate models, the huge computer programs that are notorious for their hidden assumptions and adjustable parameters.
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