Sentences with phrase «hidden assumptions in»

But the hidden assumption in the use of the Carhart factors is the idea that no one can use them to make money over time on average.

Not exact matches

The problem is often that our hidden assumptions about the way the world works have not adjusted with changes in the world economy, and so are often misguided but nonetheless deeply held.
I believe strongly in the need to go through the exercise of building a financial model (can focus mind and expose hidden assumptions and flaws), and agree that the focus should not be on formal financial documents or even on the resulting numbers themselves (that is, until you are up and running and have real numbers).
There is a need to draw attention to the bias and hidden assumptions contained in the text books — and not just in religious studies, but in subjects across the curriculum where political indoctrination is taking place.
Yes, Milward disagrees with Wilson and with Asquith on this and that interpretation (as I have noted in my review), but all proceed from the common assumption that Shakespeare has hidden Catholic meanings in his plays that each can decipher.
Thus, although we still need to respect the doorbell image, in the sense that the pastor must make himself available to his people and not merely wait in an office until they come, we must reject its hidden assumptions that pastoral work with people is routine, perhaps dull, and certainly not as central to ministry as preaching.
The assumption hidden in this procedure is that pure and true thought about reality can occur only when it is removed from act and practice follow theory: doing is an extension of knowing.
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
In all effective psychotherapy there is hidden an implicit assumption that is made explicit in the Christian proclamatioIn all effective psychotherapy there is hidden an implicit assumption that is made explicit in the Christian proclamatioin the Christian proclamation.
While Christians rightly believe that all truth necessary for such a spiritual experience is mediated only through the revelation in Christ, they must guard against the assumption that only those who know Christ «after the flesh», that is, in the actual historical revelation, are capable of such a conversion, A «hidden Christ» operates in history.
The new series will see the women «take part in a series of entertaining tasks and hidden experiments which will test their - and our - assumptions, challenge gender stereotypes and reveal fascinating truths about what it is to be a woman - and man - in the 21st century».
For Ozick, however, the literary critic is herself the architect of literary tradition, arranging works, authors, movements, and trends in conversation with one another, «teas [ing] out hidden imperatives and assumptions held in common, and... creat [ing] the fertilizing conditions that underlie and stimulate a living literary consciousness.»
In this regime that probes people's minds for hidden assumptions, for biases concealed even from their holders, the custodians have an impossible task.
In a democracy, perhaps we all need to begin with the assumption that everyone has something to hide, a zone of private action and reflection, a zone that needs to be protected.
Unfortunately, in our case the assumption of parsimonious genome evolution is likely to cause various events to be hidden.
So in addition to correcting the climate skeptics» misstatements about the facts, clarity will come in this debate only when we examine the unstated normative assumptions that are often hidden in the scientific debate including the notion that some want to call alamist anything that is not proven.
You can slog through all seven - plus hours of «Penny Dreadful» without getting a sense that Logan has any particular emotional involvement in or new ideas about these classic horror stories (the vampire hiding from the light, the manmade pariah feeling the sting of unrequited affection) beyond the underlying assumption that the world is a cold and lonesome place and it behoves us to take love and friendship where we can get it.
Working as a team, they will learn lessons in communication, innovation, hidden assumptions, and creativity that are central to the engineering process.
By analyzing the discourse employed by politicians, lobbyists, think tanks, and special interest groups, the authors uncover the hidden assumptions that often underlie popular statements about school reform, and demonstrate how misinformation or half - truths have been used to reshape public education in ways that serve the interests of private enterprise.
Encourage students to examine their personal assumptions by checking in with others rather than hiding or defending them.
Guest posting has a hidden assumption that your quality writing should be given away for free all in exchange for a backlink.
There's an assumption hidden in Mike's claim that market inefficiencies no longer remain exploitable after they are discovered by investors.
Many dogs will instinctively hide their pain as a survival mechanism, which, in the past, lead to incorrect assumptions about the ability of dogs to feel pain.
Many animals will instinctively hide their pain as a survival mechanism which in the past led to incorrect assumptions about the ability of dogs and cats to feel pain.
In his witty work, Wilson deconstructs the institution, typically the museum, exposing hidden biases and agendas behind its assumption of objectivity.
«To say that climate change will be catastrophic hides a cascade of value - laden assumptions that do not emerge from empirical science,» Lindzen said in an interview with The San Diego Union - Tribune.
But I don't think that qualifies as «pseudoscience,» which to me suggests such things as controversial hypotheses masquerading as self - evident assumptions («ordered complexity implies a designer»), or outright fallacies of inference and errors of fact, perhaps hidden behind familar jargon («in information - theoretic terms, evolution of the eye is impossible»), or cleverly disguised as well - established results from other sciences («quantum electrodynamics suggests that consciousness is the fundamental nature of reality, and so we don't need to age, and crime will be reduced if we meditate on it correctly»).
May I recommend another implicit / hidden and commonly overlooked critical factor is the assumption of cause vs effect, or phase and feedback sign in models.
If there is a skill set that has been polished and advanced by the AGW / IPCC Kru, it is the technique and technology of concealing and burying hidden assumptions and parameters in a rat's nest of distractions, which then bloom and flower with the desired outcome and output, almost regardless of the real - world data input.
Models are useful only as analytic tools that can help reveal hidden «assumptions» in a physical theory.
In current political decision making, scientific prognoses, however, act as «fig leaves» [45] that hide the actual decision making process and the normative assumptions on which it rests.
As usual, lots of hidden zingers and circular assumptions in a warmist argument.
More to the point, it's an assumption that often escapes attention and scrutiny because to highlight it is to identify as a «denier» who makes «cleverly complicated» arguments in order to appear to hide the fact that they «don't believe in climate change».
In a couple of posts last week — here and here — I laid out the brutal logic implied by the latest climate science (with credit to scientist Kevin Anderson for stripping away the rosy assumptions hiding in many of today's common climate scenariosIn a couple of posts last week — here and here — I laid out the brutal logic implied by the latest climate science (with credit to scientist Kevin Anderson for stripping away the rosy assumptions hiding in many of today's common climate scenariosin many of today's common climate scenarios).
In the second case you introduce hidden assumptions of your own.
Judith, The opposite conclusion concerning the influence of increased uncertainty in the two alternatives is due to hidden assumptions.
That is why the usefulness of models in science is limited to analytical work such as discovering hidden assumptions.
Hidden assumptions can still trip you up, but at least obvious points where the delegate is unclear will surface now, rather than after the delegate has performed significant work in the wrong direction.
The web traffic data also seems to corroborate the assumption that the similar sharp drop in the number of bitcoin transactions is due to less usage and adoption rather than just exchange batching hiding the total figure.
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