Sentences with phrase «hidden health problems»

More importantly, a complete oral examination can detect hidden health problems.
We may identify hidden health problems before they become severe giving us a better chance of treating the condition.
More than two thirds of those surveyed said they had decided to hide their health problems from their employers.
The sudden change in diet can temporarily upset your chemistry and reveal hidden health problems.
Unfortunately, cats can be very good at hiding health problems.
Unexpected accidents in the house could be a sign of hidden health problems.
♥ Routine dental cleanings - Routine dentals prevent periodontal disease and allow a complete oral exam and dental X-rays that can detect hidden health problems.
Paladino also suggested Clinton may be hiding a health problem.
How else would you discover a hidden health problem?
They need to be immunized, treated for parasites, and checked up on to make sure there aren't any hiding health problems about to rear their ugly heads.
Since cats do a better job than dogs when it comes to hiding health problems, your vet may recommend blood work to detect underlying issues.
Consequently, a dog will instinctively try to hide any health problems.
October is National Pet Wellness Month and a good time to learn how to tell if your feline friend is hiding a health problem.
Your veterinarian will recommend pre-anesthetic testing to make sure there are no hidden health problems that could affect your pet's ability to undergo the procedure.
For this reason, it is extremely important to have your cat examined by your family veterinarian on a yearly basis to detect any hidden health problems before they become too advanced.
Although anesthesia is extremely safe, if your pet has any hidden health problems, complications can occur during or after the procedure.
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