Sentences with phrase «hidden purpose»

You do not ever fight for a public national assignment with the sole hidden purpose of looting the coffers!
ResultSource, a company that doesn't even attempt to hide its purpose in allowing authors to buy their way onto the New York Times or Wall Street Journal bestseller lists, including upon debut for the right price, is coming under fire for this practice.
Full of endless mysterious powers, the Ocarina of Time proves to be a magical instrument that serves many hidden purposes which only a selected few can truly uncover.
Bart, do your really think that Bengstton did this for a nefarious hidden purpose?
Most questions asked in a job interview have a hidden purpose.
They all said, let's write a book that people will question and then they will realize we had some hidden purpose.
Why should I hide the purpose for my choices?
In His goodness and wisdom God chose to reveal Himself and to make known to us the hidden purpose of His will by which through Christ, the Word made flesh, man might in the Holy Spirit have access to the Father and come to share in the divine nature.
Interviewers approach the conversation without a hidden purpose, using the interview neither to argue with the informant nor to diagnose his or her problems.
As the years went on, Richard seemed to grow ever more knowledgeable, poised, intellectually many - sided, and well informed about the vast array of conflicts, arguments, clashing ambitions, and hidden purposes that mark our national civic life.
Truly loving others means loving them and accepting them just as they are, even when we don't agree, with no hidden purpose.
The hidden purpose is to increase one's own sense of power by «putting the other down.»
By way of conclusion, I feel compelled to reveal the hidden purpose behind my seemingly innocent exercise in speculative exegesis.
Think this top would recreate the gorgeous Free People one in this post for post-partum pooch - hiding purposes?
He hides his purpose under a cover - up story that there is an epidemic on one of the sub-stations.
The Nativity may be the most well - trod subject in art history, second only to animated films where seemingly ordinary, humble protagonists discover they have a hidden purpose.
Drainage and landscaping A well - appointed garden can add as much as 20 % to the value of your house, but landscaping also has a hidden purpose that's much more important: to drain water away from your foundation.
Perhaps this is ORE's version of its own in - house Latent Defect re the SPIS's true / hidden purpose, being to further facilitate the...» SELL!
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